This is my post for #freewriters 2660 prompt a new owner hosted by @mariannewest also for @justclickindiva freewriters prompt a date part 3.
Parts one
Part two
This is my try at part three
Jeremy knew where the fire sparks were coming from and it was killing him to not tell his friends, but he knew it was too important to not say anything to anyone, no matter how much you trusted them is what he was told. He also knew there were others like him and one was flying the plane and he knew this same thing was taking place across the world.
After Lynn fell, the inhaler rolled from her pocket and a squirrel snatched it up. It ran across the street and up a tree with Jeremy running behind it yelling for it to stop, as it understood him.
Wesley had stayed back with Lynn but they soon found their way to the tree that Jermey was standing under, he was having a conversation with the squirrel and the squirrel was answering, in squirrel language, but Jermey understood what it was saying.
Jeremy did not know Lynn and Wesley were standing behind him and jumped when he heard them ask what he thought he was doing. Not knowing what to say, he froze and told them he was only messing with the rodent.
Rodent you say, how dare you squawked the squirrel, Jeremy acted as if he did not know what it said. But the squirrel was not finished with Jeremy. Act as if you do not know what I am saying, I get it, said the squirrel but let me tell you this, one of the reasons the ship came back was because of products that contained aerosol like this inhaler. They have destroyed the Ozone in Earth's atmosphere and you know the date that will happen, I also see she can not breathe so I will give it back, but if she is chosen, it can not come with her, and still squawking the squirrel tossed the inhaler to Lynn. She looked at Jeremy who quickly looked away, she knew it was a deliberate toss.
With a couple of quick puffs, Lynn was back to breathing normally and had lots of questions for Jeremy, but here on the street was no place for them to be asked.
Look, we are not far from my house and I have leftover pizza in the fridge, said Lynn. Wesley and Jeremy both said, "I'm in" at the same time. Lynn thought to herself, maybe a full belly will get Jeremy to talk.
When they arrived at Lynn's house there was a red closed sign pinned to the front gate. They had a gas leak and everyone was evacuated from their homes. Jeremy almost laughed but he knew it would cause a slew of questions, he shook his head seeing "the irony" in it.
Lynn noticed the odd look on Jermey's face and said, "Jeremy you are going to need to tell someone what you know, maybe Professor Tanner can help us".
NO, screamed Jeremy, it is not time for anyone to know. They will let me know when it is time.
Wesley and Lynn looked at each other, both in shock. This was the first they had heard of others. The three of them had known each other since grade school, they thought they knew everything about each other.
Jeremy, you must tell us what you know, said both Lynn and Wesley. Jeremy replied, I can not say anything yet, not until they tell me.
Mad, Wesely stomped off and Lynn was left staring at him. But Jeremy was in deep thought. Since the "dream" when Jeremy was four years old he knew he was chosen for a reason and he could not go back on his word, not even to the two best friends a guy could have. When he was young he thought it was a dream, but now he knows it was an abduction and they told him everything he would be asked to do.
Their ship was hovering over Earth, which was making our atmosphere heat up, they were watching how we handled the heat and how we were treating others. Their planet stayed at 80 degrees year round. The people who can stay calm and are not looting will be chosen. VI-XXXI-MCMLXXII is Arabic numeral for 631,972. That is how many they will be able to take on this trip, you see the last time they were here was just before the Ice Age began somewhere around 2.6 million years ago and now they are back and they do not know if there is time to make a return trip because the date is near.
photos are mine