Mensaje diario de 5 minutos: El Escritorio Dorado Asesoría Financiera. Cuento Corto Ficción. ESP/EN.

in Freewriters8 months ago



Pront: "Escritorio Dorado"

Carlos, había llevado a su hija a la oficina, él nunca había hecho eso, pero su esposa se había enfermado y él no tenía a nadie que pudiese cuidar a su pequeña Camila, de manera tan inesperada. Así que él tenía dos opciones, o faltar al trabajo, algo que no podía hacer debido a que él, era gerente de una empresa, que en ese momento estaba realizando una adquisición muy importante que estaba su cargo, o llevarse a Camila con él a la oficina.

Carlos se decidió por la segunda opción y se llevó a Camila con él. En el trabajo, Camila se sentó con toda la tranquilidad del mundo a ver lo que sucedía a su alrededor. Ella estaba impresionada, con la cantidad de personas que entraban a pedir consultas a su padre y ella lo veía dando órdenes, firmando papeles y revisando documentos.

Carlos, pensaba que Camila se iba a aburrir, y estaba preocupado por su pequeña niña. Sin embargo, Camila, lejos de aburrirse, lo que hacía era absorber todo aquello que veía, y se emocionaba con la enorme actividad de la que su padre era protagonista.

—¿Te sientes bien princesita, necesitas algo? —Pregunto Carlos de forma cariñosa a su hija.

—Estoy bien papá, no necesito nada. — Dijo Camila, mientras sacaba unas galletas de su lonchera para comerlas.

Así pasaron ello el día, y Carlos estaba muy contento con el comportamiento de su hija. Al pasar unos días, Carlos llegó temprano a casa y vio a Camila jugando con sus muñecas, y la vio dándole órdenes a una muñeca para comprar unas acciones y hablaba con otros juguetes, sobre inversiones.

Carlos, al verla, se sonrió. —Bueno, bueno, este es el resultado de haberte llevado a Camila al trabajo, ahora ella es una asesora financiera, y tiene una consultoría llamada El Escritorio Dorado. ¿Qué te parece cariño? —dijo Yolanda, la esposa de Carlos, con un tono orgulloso.

Al pasar los años, Camila se dedicó a estudiar contaduría y economía, realizó ambas carreras en la universidad, al igual que lo hizo su padre, y al igual que él trabajó en empresas de consultoría financiera para pagar sus estudios. Después de la fiesta de graduación, Camila le preguntó a su padre si podría trabajar con él, pero Carlos, no le contestó, aunque sí le dijo que le teína una sorpresa.

—Camila, ven con nosotros. — Dijeron Yolanda y Carlos.

Al llegar a un edificio de oficinas, los tres se bajaron del auto y subieron a una oficina que estaba en la mezzanina del edificio.

—¿Es una oficina bien bonita, papá, es de uno de tus amigos? —dijo Camila.

—No, corazón, esta consultoría financiera, se llama El Escritorio Dorado, y será tu empresa, y yo trabajaré contigo, apoyándote en los primeros años. Ya que has demostrado tu tenacidad y tu esfuerzo, y tanto tu madre como yo, pensamos que puedes ser una profesional independiente. — Comentó Carlos orgulloso.

Camila abrazo a su padre, y a los pocos días ambos iniciaron a trabajar, en el Escritorio Dorado.

Muchas gracias por leerme.

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Invito a los siguientes a participar: @esbat, @alicia2022.



To Read in English



5-minute daily message: The Golden Desk Financial Advice. Short Story Fiction.

Pront: "Golden Desk"

Carlos, had taken his daughter to the office, he had never done that, but his wife had gotten sick and he had no one who could take care of his little Camila, so unexpectedly. So he had two options, either to miss work, something he could not do because he was the manager of a company, which at that time was making a very important acquisition that was his position, or take Camila with him to the office.

Carlos decided on the second option and took Camila with him. At work, Camila sat down with all the calmness in the world to see what was happening around her. She was impressed, with the amount of people who came in to ask her father for consultations and she saw him giving orders, signing papers and reviewing documents.

Carlos, I thought Camila was going to get bored, and he was worried about his little girl. However, Camila, far from being bored, what she was doing was absorbing everything she saw, and she was excited by the enormous activity of which her father was the protagonist.

—Are you feeling well little princess, do you need anything?—I ask Carlos affectionately to his daughter.

—I'm fine, Dad, I don't need anything.—Camila said, as she took some cookies out of her lunchbox to eat them.

This is how they spent the day, and Carlos was very happy with his daughter's behavior. After a few days, Carlos came home early and saw Camila playing with her dolls, and he saw her giving orders to a doll to buy some shares and talking to other toys, about investments.

Carlos, seeing her, smiled. - Well, well, this is the result of having taken Camila to work with you, now she is a financial advisor, and she has a consultancy called The Golden Desk. What do you think, honey? - Said Yolanda, Carlos's wife, with a proud tone.

As the years passed, Camila dedicated herself to studying accounting and economics, she did both careers at the university, just like her father did, and like him she worked in financial consulting companies to pay for her studies. After the graduation party, Camila asked her father if she could work with him, but Carlos didn't answer, although he did tell her that he was in for a surprise.

—Camila, come with us. — Said Yolanda and Carlos.

Arriving at an office building, the three got out of the car and went up to an office that was in the mezzanine of the building.

—Is it a nice office, Dad, it belongs to one of your friends?— said Camila.

—No, sweetheart, this financial consulting, it's called The Golden Desk, and it will be your company, and I will work with you, supporting you in the first years. Since you have shown your tenacity and your effort, and both your mother and I, we think that you can be an independent professional.— Commented Carlos proudly.

Camila hugged her father, and a few days later both started working at the Golden Desk.

Thank you very much for reading me.

If you like this contest you can you can participate here.

I invite the following to participate: @esbat, @alicia2022.

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