Preparing potatoes with tomatoe sauce

in Freewriters6 months ago


In my entry I will be sharing with you all how to prepare what I call economy meal, because it's cheap to buy and very much satisfying.

Now for this meal I only budgeted 850 naira only (2.4 hive), and I know you all may be wondering what can 800 naira buy in Nigeria today?

Food itemsPrice in NGPrice in hive
Potato500 NG1.4 hive
Onions100 NG0.2 hive
Pepper 🌶️50 NG0.1 hive
Topisto tomato150 NG0.4 hive
Maggi50 NG0.1 hive

Total850 NG2.4 hive

Step 1


In the first step this includes going to the market and buying all the above listed items, so after bringing them home I started with watching all the plates and pot and after that I proceeded to peeling off my potatoes.

Step 2


After I might have finished peeling the potatoes I then put them in a large bowel filled with water for the purpose of washing it thoroughly.

After the second thorough washing1000021941.jpg

After washing the potatoes I then change the water and put another then wash again before cutting it into smaller part and put inside the put I intended to cook with then add water into it and start boiling.

Step 3


In this step while my potatoes had started boiling instead of me to wait for it to be ready I then kept myself busy by slicing the onions which I will be using to make tomato 🍅 sauce.

This part didn't even take much time but the worst part of it is the fact that the onions gas was entering my eyes and as a result of that tears started coming out from my eyes 😂 😂.

My potatoes almost done1000021945.jpg

And after a while the potatoes was all set then I used my spoon 🥄 to check if it was soft and it was then automatically it was ready

Then I proceeded into placing an empty pot on the gas and lower it a little, and started with frying 🍳 the onions (now this is the sauce preparation), after frying the onions for about two minutes I then added my topisto tomatoes as well as salt which I already had, maggi and pepper and finally added some water.

Then I allowed it to boil for 5 minutes and since it wasn't that much it was all set and ready to be consumed then I turn off my cooking gas and breakfast was ready.

Step 4


Breakfast is ready

Now finally the moments have been waiting for which is also considered to be the most interesting part of this entry, which is the eating part.

1000021948.jpgYep! That's me with the delicious potatoes

After everything my potatoes was ready and also my beautiful tomatoe sauce was also ready as seen in the above pictures and without wasting much time I started eating and even had remains for the afternoon.

So now you can all see why I call it the economy meal because it is very affordable and also very delicious and trust me it is better than buying rice a cup for 500 naira and still it doesn't satisfy you.