How could they do that? What sort of a weird tradition is that? What is the essence of colonizing an animal? A cat for that matter!
See how the cat is even looking at someone. It's scary! I didn't even like cat before. Imagine how they place the mysterious creature there. I hate some of the traditions and cultures in this African setting.
This week is supposed to be the colonization ceremonies for the new king. Yesterday was awful. They didn't allow us to go out. Everyone was confined to his house. You dare not come out of the house. Just because of masquerades. Must we always practice dreadful and mysterious culture? Can't we do things that resonate with the current technical era?
Why did I even come to the village square today? Was it just to come and see a cat arrayed in a royal scarf and stationed on the royal seat? I'm not enjoying it here at all. But why am I feeling different? Everyone else seems to be enjoying the ceremony. Maybe I should go home if my mind is not flowing with the norm.
What I see: I see a cat arrayed in a beautiful royal scarf.
What I feel: I feel that the cat is undergoing a traditional rite.