Frozen Food

in Freewriters4 months ago


I decided to shop online. Frozen food it is. It brings more variety than what is available in the shops. If it's healthy I can't tell but I have no illusion fresh is. Whatever is sold is palm fat, side products of the industry mixed with chemicals, DNA manipulated food, sprayed or injected and the label "bio" should make the consumer believe s/he buys something good. Good? Good food is as rare as good content and the prizes are sky-high but one has to eat or at least my children should eat. If it comes to me.. I watched a video about fastening for 5 days and what is does to the body. I don't feel hungry, more likely eat out of boredom or habit although breakfast and lunch are no longer part of my lifestyle. I am not there yet, one day I might but I did think as I was doing the dishes that my life would be so much easier and cheaper if cooking would no longer be part of it. I wonder if I should give up on it since both my children are adults and cook themselves or can buy food if they feel hungry (they have an income and spend the biggest part of the day away from home). All this mom needs is a please.


My Dad and Stepmother used to fast, Dad made what he called whole cakes which were made by only mixing flour and water and cooking it like a pancake, he used a cast iron skillet with a little oil. The only beverage they drank at this time was wine or water.