El resultado de estos cosechas que mi Tia no lo esperaba ni yo tampoco fue de dos tipos de Zapallo (Auyama), #Cucurbita moschata, el #Kabocha o kabutiá de cáscara dura, también teníamos una siembra de tomates que intentamos que nos de algunos, y unas bananas que al parecer hay que hablarle para que nos dé más porque el año pasado nos dio 8 este año nos dio 10 XD.
también sembramos algo de sábila, esta la tenemos no solo porque se ve linda, si no, que nosotros la consumimos y la licuamos con jugo de naranja, limón o de manzana, es para la limpieza, también para quemaduras y para tratamiento dermatológico, mi tia y yo la consumimos.

Hello #hive😁 community, Today I want to introduce you to the backyard of my house, our #garden😄, one of the things that my Rabbit and my Aunt like, both to run and to sow, we have a very clear saying where it is placed is sown and my Aunt is an expert in it, she does not grow it, she just buy the product, we consume it and I know as it is organic she places it in the yard, all the seeds of any fruit and in #Argentina much more because in summer everything grows fast.
The result of these harvests that my Aunt did not expect and neither did I was two types of Zapallo (Auyama), #Cucurbita moschata, the #Kabocha or hard shell kabutiá, we also had a planting of tomatoes that we try to give us some, and some bananas that apparently we have to talk to her to give us more because last year she gave us 8 this year she gave us 10 XD.
We also planted some aloe vera. We have it not only because it looks nice, but also because we consume it and blend it with orange, lemon or apple juice, it is for cleaning, also for burns and for dermatological treatment, my aunt and I consume it.