Raindrops to Rainbows

I guess it's not the right time
For my name to shine like
Golden glitter in the dark
Sometime I'm gonna light up
Cause I've got the spark

They say I'm never gonna make it there
Cause I haven't yet step up a stair
But who knows I'm gonna hit the long road
All the paths lead right to where they won't go

Those who have the spotlight on
Are somewhere gonna face the storm
Growing in the flames of dares
Life has never played it fair

I throw myself up with high speed
And expect the clouds to catch me
But then I fall and hit the ground
And my efforts turn out to be a bad seed

(But then I learnt something)

Efforts are like the raindrops
Waiting for the right amount of sunlight
To standalone and glow with colours
Like the rainbow unique and bright.



Every effort is worth, it's better to say try than to think or regret later, because at the end of the day every effort will shine and will have its reward, thanks for sharing friend, have a great week ♥

Thanks so much for this wonderful feedback.. I appreciate

Oh the expectations we have, and how they can lead to our own fall.
I'm still learning this one and yes timing everything.
Great to see you grow on here my friend xxx

Thanks so much for your comment. I am happy to see you once again on my comment session. I was thinking you have abandoned me. 😂.. I appreciate you so much.