Pasta "Tri boje"! 😋😋😋Paste "Three colors"! 😋😋😋

in BANATlast year

Nakon praznične trpeze, poželela sam da se vratim u normalu i napravim neko lagao i vitaminsko jelo. Ali obavezno i lepo za oko! Ipak sam ja slikarka. . .😁
Dakle, prvo sam skuvala makarone. Jedne su obične a ostale dve da paradajzom i spanaćem.🍅🥬🧄




Zatim sam pripremila iseckani beli luk i peršun. Kažu da beli luk uvek treba iseckati na samo pet minuta pre nego ga stavite na vruće ulje jer je neophodno da otpust nešto što treba, zaboravila sam šta. 😆

Then I prepared chopped garlic and parsley. They say that you should always chop the garlic for just five minutes before you put it in the hot oil because it is necessary to release something that needs to be released, I forgot what. 😆




Kada je luk pustio miris, ubacila sam peršun i dinstala dvadesetak sekundi. Zatim sam dodala salatu sa tunjevinom ( tuna, boranija, leblebije, grašak ). Nakon minut, dva, dodala sam makarone i sve promešala.

When the onions were fragrant, I threw in the parsley and sauteed for about twenty seconds. Then I added tuna salad (tuna, green beans, chickpeas, peas). After a minute or two, I added the macaroni and mixed everything.




Kada se sve dobro sjediniti, dodala sam vrlo malo kačkavalja ( gauda ).
Bilo je spremno da se servira.

When everything is well combined, I added very little cheese (gouda).
It was ready to be served.




Već je izgledalo dovoljno lepo i ukusno ali na kraju sam ipak dodala par kapi limuna.Limun nikad nije višak, dao je ukusu završnu reč.🍋🍋
Pasta je izgledala više nego dobro. Uz savršen tanjir, izgledaće magično!

It already looked nice and tasty enough, but at the end I still added a few drops of lemon. Lemon is never superfluous, it gave the taste the finishing touch. 🍋🍋
The pasta looked more than good. With the perfect plate, it will look magical!




Pasta je servirana! Nemojte sumnjati, polizaću tanjir!
Drago mi je da smo se družili i danas. Želim vam prijatno veče!✨👋

The pasta is served! Do not doubt, I will lick the plate!
I'm glad we got to hang out today. I wish you a pleasant evening!✨👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!



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