I have noticed a better quality of ad in the past week or so with a better variation and more relevant to me so hopefully that is a sign of progress.
Opt out is the way to go as most users never even knew that ads were being trialed.
I do think that you could ad a few more ads to the pages without hurting our experience in our content feeds, in snaps and I noticed that a lot of posts that i click into have no ads on them at all as i am always looking for them now as i think that it's a great idea to make some money and help out the whole eco-system.
Don't give up on the idea without really trying to maximize revenue from ads as we are still a tiny site. If we hit a bull run and increase our userbase or even our external views then the revenue should go up to a much healthier amount.
We also would need to try and incentivize people to create a better quality of content to draw in external views rather than just the usual clickbait for hive users that we are all guilty of, myself included.
Even something as simple as a daily prompt about current news in the crypto world with a strong curation system in place, (big votes for better quality content). to get good content, proper seo practices and shared on other social media. If your team is putting in the work to help the eco-system then it would help if the community got on board and helped that.
Too many of us long term users have gotten lazy with rewards because there was no incentive to do better. If we got a few whales behind this and a group of curators to run it then content would improve very fast.
We all need a good kick up the hole sometimes. This would be a good time to kick a few users and whales to help the whole community.