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RE: My experience with CHinook winds in Alberta and the flying bins.

in STEMGeekslast month

I have seen the winds so bad that a wooden pallet was doing cartwheels. I'm just glad the weather has been getting better as the years go by. Not sure if it's do to climate change or the cloud seeding the insurance company's do in Alberta. But at least our weather has never been as bad as the east cost of Canada. What we call a blizzard here is a flurry down their. Every Province has completely different weather. And that goes for cites to. We have very localized storms in Alberta. When I was living in Edmonton I could travel from one side of the city to the other and experience 2 different weather systems. One side was completely sunny the other side raining to the point of flooding. Flooding because our sewerage system. Not designed well.


I totally understand hehehe i live in a small city and sometimes get lots of rain in on side and none in another ahhaha the weather is wild in here for sure

That's for sure. I'm glad we don't have as big of hail as we did when I was a kid. But I think the cloud seeding has made our summer storms colder. I remember when the rain was warm to the touch but hail at the same time was basket ball size. I don't miss the hail but I do miss the warm rain.