Ah girl, you know how hard to get through this posts is? I once had a lover in Canada and many and basically any Canadian post reminds me of him hahaha 😂 obviously I'm joking, it's not a pain but more of a curiosity because I'd love to spend a while on that part of the globe sometime but I doubt the opportunity will ever occur again. Anyway, lovely post and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones ❤️
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Lol, thats too funny and cute!
I'll remember this on my next post about Canada, for sure. 😁
When was this ? Long time ago? Did you guys make plans to visit Canada? Back then, you couldnt go, only in 2018 restriction of going was no more
Hugs ❣️❣️❣️
Somewhere in 2015-2016. Quite some time passed but a piece of my heart will always be there whenever I see Canadian stuff 😆
No plans yet but hopefully one day! Hugs and Happy New Year! 🥰🎆🎇