Hello fellow travelers, how are you?
Every now and then, I come back to keep you company here, and this time I want to share the photos I took yesterday, a truly special day I spent at Lake Garda, which you know is one of my favorite destinations. Whenever I can, I escape from the chaotic Milan to reach the lake, and yesterday was an unusually warm day, almost 20 degrees Celsius, which is truly beautiful for February on one hand but quite concerning on the other.
Upon arriving, as I didn't have time for breakfast in Milan, I immediately found a charming bar to stop for a quick meal. Nothing too heavy, but I needed to fill my stomach because otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to walk.
I must say that coming to the lake on a Saturday is much better; it's more enjoyable, and there are fewer people than on Sundays. After enjoying some pastries during breakfast, I took a nice half-hour walk, during which I could admire the beautiful harbor of Salò and see many boats moored, probably awaiting the summer season to sail the waters of Lake Garda.
Certainly, I also want to return for the summer season because I would love to take a boat trip. If possible, I might even rent one. It's an experience I've had before, but I'd like to do it again because sailing has always been a beautiful passion of mine since childhood.
Whenever I come to the lake, I'm always fascinated by the beautiful swans, which seem to be increasing in number, gracefully populating the lake.
Around noon, I tried to find a trattoria or restaurant along the lake for lunch, but unfortunately, many places are still closed as it's the off-season. In the end, I hopped in my car and headed towards Brescia, which is nearby, to have lunch with relatives. It turned out to be a great solution, saving me a lot of money.
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed the photos I shared, and surely there will be more opportunities to return to these places and share more photos with you. Have a great weekend, everyone!