Rarity Meets Ridiculousness: The SDCC Green Lantern & KFC Comic

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro2 months ago


One of the cool aspects of attending the San Diego Comic-Con has always been the fact that there's a world of groovy & exclusive promotional material passed out. Keychains, pins, mini figures, posters, comics. Often times it comes down to being in the right place at the right time, knowing "a guy", and even a little luck. All three of those played a factor in scoring a chunk of these ridiculously awesome & hysterical promo comics that combine the might of DC's Green Lantern & yup...that's Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken. 🍗🍗

These weird crossover promos were passed out by DC at their booth back in 2017. I remember my partner & I were making our rounds and happened to stumble upon DC's massive spot on the floor at the right time. A crowd appeared out of nowhere, and it was a bit chaotic as bodies smushed together; hands slithered out of crevices to grab copies that were being passed out to folks.

We ended up with a few copies...but I know my customers loved promo comics, so I wanted to grab a few more. After the chaos subsided and the crowd thinned, I found "my guy" at DC that we were friendly with. We exchanged our pleasantries; I gave him a set of our most recent Exclusive Shop Variants to grease the palms a bit, and pleaded our case for a few more. What we got was a stack of about 50 of these bad boys, which was awesome.

Initially, they were given out to regulars, with some selling for quite a few bucks some years later. Today, I think I only have around 5 or 6 copies left, although I wish I held onto a few more as they fetch between $50-$75 apiece. Not too shabby for a freebie!

What makes this book have some real collectors' appeal is...well, it's a few things. For starters, there's not a ton of them. Being a weird book given out at a specific event in limited quantities is going to bode well right off the bat. It also pays homage to a classic Green Lantern cover by the late & great Neal Adams. Then add the KFC factor, and I'm sure there are some weird chicken diehards hunting this "gem" down.

Below is the comic in full for your reading enjoyment. I especially love the ad on the back cover.













Whatever next? Orange Man and Musk-rat as the next unlikely duo?

People would sadly buy that comic…

Tell you what, buddy: you slap one of those in the mail (same standard PO Box as before), and I won't publish those photos of what really went down between you and "your guy".

Greasy palms? That's one way to put it, I suppose... ;)

In all seriousness, stuff like this is the reason to get into collecting comics. It's so absurd as to rewrite the laws of decency. The fact this even has its own letter column is an extra spicy delight! Thanks for sharing, my dude.


Publish em! See if I care!!!!

Yeah, I dig weird shit like this. The absurdity of it all including the fact that it’s kinda coveted is what makes this space fun.

Now I want chicken…

dood... wut?

I have a new favorite superhero... he can make chicken appear out of thin air, he's OP in my book. Don't care what non yall says!


Love me some delicious chicken. I’ll root for any hero who can summon some nuggies

Oh nice collab!

Definitely an odd one.