Happy Valentine amazing people of Hive and Wonderful @motherhood Community. I trust you all enjoyed your day yesterday. I am not proud to share today's publications, as I feel I am the only who doesn't have any favourite food because even my children have one.
but I just thought to share it anyway. I am that one person who is always confused at what food I like best, each time I hear people say "my favorite food is this, my best food is that" I begin to wonder! I was surprised to even know that my children know what their best food is and me as a mother I don't even have one🤦
I was preparing noodles for them because I know they all like noodles. Especially my son, I even over heard them saying which food they like and which one they don't, I never knew they were going to include me in their discussion. I was shocked when Jemima asked me what my favorite food was, I was just looking at both of them like a dummy. In fact, they were the ones saying mummy best food is swallow, mummy best food is this.
What do I tell this children? That I don't have any favorite food? 😅 Well, I told them that I will tell them but at least not now
You know, somebody like me, I grew up hearing people call me some weird names that I too can't even spell it because it's too complicated. My mother told me that I got those names as a result of my love for garri, (An Africa food gotten from Cassava) according to my mother, she said there was a time she got scared because of the too much garri I was consuming and to her surprise, I was always taking it without sugar that she began to wonder what kind of a child I was. That it got to a point where she was forced to hide the garri where I could not locate it and in fact, she said after hiding it, I started behaving as though If i don't take garri, that will be the end of me.
Seriously, I almost argued with her that it wasn't my childhood story but what called me back to order was the fact that up till now, I still prefer to take garri without sugar 😂 Though, I am strongly sure that my childhood experience with garri was more of an addiction.
The garri preparation is very simple, you just need a bowl, spoon and water. It can be well garnished and enjoyed with sugar, milk, groundnut, and of course ice block
Now, this is where the whole gist lies, Truth is, I don't have any best or favorite food, I would be deceiving myself and my children if I say I have one because today, I might say it's noodles and fish that is my favorite, tomorrow the drum might change to porridge beans and potatoes. So you see, I am a confused being when it comes to selecting my best food.
But what I know fully well is that I am a food explorer, I love to taste different foods from different cultures and I know I haven't tasted all the food in the world so why will I even have my favourite anyway. Lol! Well, I promise my kids I was going to them my favourite food so I seriously need to find any food to cover me up when they ask me the question again.
What about you? What's your kids'favourite food? Do you have any favourite food? Or you are just like me🤭
Thankyou for visiting my blog and I so much appreciate your time and support. I do hope you enjoy reading through.
All photos in this publication are mine.