Resuming new year activities [ESP][ENG]

in Motherhood8 months ago (edited)


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Retomando actividades de nuevo año

Hola Hola

Aunque aún no vamos al colegio, si comenzamos rutinas. Ya fuimos a nuestra primera clase de karate.

Creo que nos apasiona mas ir a karate que a colegio, esto pasa porque hacemos o hace el niño algo que a ambos nos gusta.

Yo iba a empezar pero mi cuerpo aun anda de vacaciones, no tengo aun mi mente activa para hacer ejercicio ni trabajar, aunque creo que ya la semana que viene se inician las actividades laborales.

César esta entuciasmado también pero hoy amaneció con flojera, asi que escribo esto rápido para animarlo a salir ya que ya vamos tarde 🤣


Resuming new year activities

Hello hello

Although we don't go to school yet, we do start routines. We already went to our first karate class.

I think we are more passionate about going to karate than to school, this happens because we do or the child does something that we both like.

I was going to start but my body is still on vacation, I still don't have my mind active to exercise or work, although I think that work activities will begin next week.

César is excited too but today he woke up lazy, so I'm writing this quickly to encourage him to go out since we're already late 🤣

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos Redmi Note 9S

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It's good that you have enrolled him in a karate class. It's a self-defence. I also wanted to indulge myself in such but I am so busy. I am happy for both of you because both of you have ample time to spend together before classes in school will start. God bless

Amén ☺🙌🏼
We are so close. He is my happiness.

Wow! I am happy to hear that. God bless

Buen resumen amiga @soyanafuentes . Como siempre nos traes material original y de alta calidad

Oh Gracias. ☺☺

De nada vale es un verdadero placer visitar tu perfil y ver tus publicaciones
