What's New With Hive Feb 11th 2024

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Each week I like to do a what's new with hive edition where I go over all of the things I know about and then also leave it open for other community members to drop in their own insight and projects that I may have missed that they feel are important.

This week in hive we have two pretty big updates that generally affect the entire system.


HBD is a algorithmic stable coin that should be pegged at $1 worth of $HIVE at any given time. However this token does still change by + or 0 $0.05 due to the complexity of how it works and the current lower end liquidity and holders of the token.

Before HBD was dishing out a crazy high 20% APR however with the top 20-21 witnesses now signaling a lower rate we are starting to see a 19% APR and from the sounds of it will see further reductions over the next few months. I speculate for this to drop to around 10% - 15% as anything lower than that to me wouldn't make sense since you could just hold on to hive and earn the same amount through curation and general APR of the token.

The main reason HBD was at 20% was to increase demand for the token. However we really have seen much demand increase to be fair. There are a few high end investors that came in with close to a million dollars but in the overall grand crypto world it's a small drop in the bucket and seems to have stagnated for the most part over the last few months.

What will be interesting to see is how much is dumped out of HBD with this slow change in APR or if it's so little over time that most people will be ok with it. Time will only tell but it's for sure something you want to watch.

Did you Know?

If you have Hive powered up in your account then you can cast votes on witnesses. I prefer using the PeakD interface and go to witnesses to cast your vote. Take your time to research each witnesses before you cast your vote as they are ultimately setting up the future direction of hive.


InLeo has made some big changes and honestly good changes I feel. It feels like there's two sides of all of this. A group of people that dislike hive-engine saying it's not a true layer two operation of the hive blockchain (Even though one otherwise doesn't exist still to this day) and another group that treats it as part of hive. To me and I'm sure 95% of other people they simply don't care as long as it works and does it's thing and that goes for a lot of things in this world and frankly I don't blame them. You can't expect for every person that uses your blockchain to spend hours a month researching, learning and figuring out witnesses etc while still playing games, writing articles, making videos and well living their life outside of blockchain. It's simply too big of an ask.

A lot of platforms today like Minds and Diamond run their own systems and tokens while really only lightly touching on the core blockchain they operate on simply for connection and swaps. For example Minds is it's own token but it's connection is Ethereum but it's hardly every mentioned on their platform. As for Diamond they run on DeSo and there's a light mention of it on their UI etc.

So to me the move InLeo recently made which is out of the so called "normal" for the hive blockchain is they are now focused on their front end. It's as simple as if you want to earn the LEO token moving forward you need to post your threads and your articles on InLeo otherwise it simply will not earn their token.

This makes sense, it's what every other application on major blockchains like Ethereum etc do and it just makes sense.

So those are the two big major updates out of hive for this week.

Outside of that I did get to play a few rounds of MoonKarts which is the first game that will be releasing towards the end of this month on the new airdrop token for Arcade Colony. For those of you who don't know you need a minimum amount of staked SPS or GLX or GLUSD tokens in order to get the airdrop. After that I believe there is a trickling drop over a 5 year period of time.

Yes, Aggy ended up beating me in the games I played some how lol But I have to say I do like the setup of quick 2-4 minute games. Many larger scale games fail in adoption at least to the masses because of the sheer amount of time commitment they require from a player. For example gods unchained even though great and rewarding I stopped playing simply because it was eating up a good hour of my time every day!

Overall what I'm seeing on hive is only a few developers who are actully developing on the chain. I mean I can legit count the amount of projects being worked on that actully have any substance behind them on one hand maybe two if I really dig in. My hopes are the valueplan that sucked out $200,000 has a focus on brining development into hive and not simply just promoting other projects and hive as a place to come cash in on your articles and videos. If they said cash in on threads I'd be ok with that since InLeo threads has a revenue source.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great summary.
Those are the big announcements of the week.

Two rather large fundamental shifts that most likely will start to reshape hive

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You must be killin' it out here!
@libertycrypto27 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @bitcoinflood.
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They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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The APR depreciation needs to be closely monitored or lots of investors may pull out. Thanks for the update.