BMW sells more Electric Vehicles in EU than Tesla!

in LeoFinance29 days ago

Market cooling down

The Electric Vehicle market in the European Union is cooling down, in the month of July 139900 EV’s were sold in the EU. That is 6 % less than a year earlier.
The EV’s are too expensive for the common man and are mostly bought by companies for fiscal reasons.

Tesla loses 16 % market share

In the market of Electric Vehicles Tesla is losing 16 % market share. Especially to BMW and Volvo. BMW is now market leader thanks to the iX1 and i4 models.
The Asian brands are losing market share sharply due the tariffs that were imposed by the European Union.

The Electric Vehicle is in doubt

It seemed like the Electric Vehicles were taking over the market and diesel and fuel engines were going to be a thing of the past in a matter of years.
Now it seems like the transition is going a lot slower than expected. The reasons are the price of EV’s and the problems with the electric grid, and the small range of the vehicles with a fully loaded battery…

The future is very hard to predict, but in my opinion both type of vehicles will stay on the market and will live next to eachother. If we want to keep the common man mobile, there will be no other solution!




There will be alternatives like Hydrogen cells etc and I am still not sure if electric is the answer due to the price. Wait until CBAM comes into affect in January 2026 and any imported vehicle from outside of the EU will be over priced even more. Imagine having another 10-15% tax being added to the selling prices.

I am sure the combustion engine will stay in some form. At least in the coming half century