Ripple effect. Weekend-engagement #189.

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Happy weekend everyone!

This weekend was a rollercoaster of events. I had a lot to do both indoors and outdoors. I hardly had time for a break till about 7pm.

Normally, I use my weekends to rest and by rest I mean sleep in longer than usual. I also catch up on those chores that I had left undone during the week. If there's an event to attend, I do well to attend the event and catch some fun.

Image is mine

Having a good weekend has the potential to effect my week positively. A good weekend for me would invariably include sleep, cooking and dining, watching movies or playing some fun games with friends, going to the beach and more.

These activities helps keep my body fit and my mind alert and this propels me into the new week full of vigor and vivacity.

Having a good weekend activates my mental state positively for the new week and the evidence is reflected in my mood, my appearance, my charisma, my ambience and my general attitude especially towards my colleagues.

On the flip side, having a bad weekend is catastrophic to my mental well being. A bad weekend for me speaks of work, work, work and no rest nor time to eat a good meal or spend some time with my friends.

The ripple effect of such is that the new week is approached with a foul attitude, a bad mood and ambience even towards my colleagues and this is easily noticeable by my colleagues at work.

I experienced something akin to a bad weekend two weeks ago. Though I didn't tell anyone about it, that did not stop the negative effect from seeping into the new week.

Immediately I walked into the staff room, a close colleague of mine noticed my mood and questioned "Becky, What happened to you?" "You're looking all moody and your eyes are puffy with dark circles under your eyes" she went on. I slumped down onto the nearest seat before I began to rant about how my week went to her. She sympathized with me and I forced myself to put my all into my work. Be that as it may, it was quite difficult as I was cranky and grumpy till the close of work.

Image is mine

I know first hand how a bad weekend can effect the week ahead. A bad weekend experience is emotionally and mentally draining for me. I find it difficult to concentrate at work or enjoy my work. So I usually pray not to have a bad weekend but a good one.

I also take responsibility in planning out my weekend earlier on and do my best to work with the schedules. I try not to have a fire brigade approach to how I spend my weekends and so far, things are going well.

Cheers to good weekends 🍾.

This is my response to the third question posed by @galenkp for #weekend-engagement #189.

Thank you all for reading.

Leaving people better than you met them is Living.. Becky 🤗

The mood of the weekend definitely rubs off on the week. You know, since the weekend is when you mostly get to prepare and rest well ahead of the week. If all things go well(fun and rest), you get on with same feelings which breeds a productive week and vice versa.

That's it exactly o. Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

Both good and bad weekends have effects on how the new week would turn out to be. Having a good weekend till the end of the day would bring positivity into the new week but when it's a bad one, oh my, even when we try to make the new week turns out good, it won't work unless we try not to let the bad vibes of the weekend affect the new week. Above all, we keep praying to God for great and happy days.

Yes sis, it's only God that can order our steps right even when we plan.

Thank you so much. Have a great week ahead

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