This has gotten out of control. WEEK 192

Come on, look up and don't miss all the wonderful things you can find around you, such as beautiful flowers, for example!

For some time now, I feel that having a pleasant, fun and uninterrupted conversation in real life is becoming more and more difficult, it seems that the person to person connection is slowly fading away, there are less and less eye contact, more hunched shoulders and the constant need to look at the phone all the time. Yes, that bothers me a lot!

Days ago, we were visiting friends at home, oblivious to what was going on around me. I tell my son: Go play with the kids! It was a small children's gathering and he answered me: Mommy, but I have no one to play with! I looked around me and I am not going to lie to you. I saw with sadness, that all the children had a phone in their hands and each one was concentrated on his screen, immersed in an imaginary world, missing out on the most beautiful years of life.


That bothered me a lot, seriously, technology is dominating us and, in some cases, creating puppets of banal fads that only lead to idiocy. And don't get me wrong, I love technology, I like to use some social networks and I enjoy them, but it bothers me, the extremism and yes, I think some have gone too far.

What bothers me the most about some social networks is that they are losing originality, they copy anything, no matter if it is something stupid or not, all for a like. I think that a lot of potential is being lost and human talent is being wasted to a great extent.

I think it is just that, what causes me that feeling, I do not mind the social network, much less the phones, right now, if I lose it, I would feel that I lost a great tool in my life, it bothers me, that so much worthless content is supported and that children and young people are dragged into a world where they believe that preparation and education is useless, if not that the future is in popularity and acceptance in social networks.

That is why we see every day, people farther away from the real world, wanting to live the supposedly perfect life shown in social networks, depressed for not being like them. There are over-stimulated children, skipping stages of life, because immediacy is what dominates today and young people wasting their talent and potential on meaningless things.And what bothers you about this fast-paced world?

I hope you have a great weekend, a long weekend, for the carnival.

Until next time, a million blessings to your families.

Translation: DeepL.
Editing: Canva(Free Resources and Templates)

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