The weekends are too short to sleep in. - Bryant McGill
Amongst all the days of the week, we all look forward to the weekend most. On Fridays, you find most people making plans towards the next couple of days. Personally, I’m just happy to have time for myself and to also have some rest after a long week.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been on a break and I have been indoors for most of the time until this weekend . I actually had a lot of plans for the past week but I was lazy all week and I kept postponing till the weekend. The weekend came and I guess I just had to get things done.
Yesterday being Saturday, I had a lot of plans but didn’t know where to start from so I just decided to go with what I thought was best. So, first I made my way to the salon to get my hair done cos I have work on Monday. Being in a new place where I didn’t know anyone, finding a salon was a hassle but I thank God for the good people out there.😅
Actually, I had my style I wanted but at the end of it all, I wasn’t really satisfied with it. More like what I wanted vs what I got.😅
From there , I decided to not let that ruin my mood so I made my way to a hotel in town where there has been a cook-a-thon going on for almost a week now. The rate at which everyone wants to break a Guinness World Record is really alarming. Day in - day out we have new individuals coming up with new records to break. Well, everyone has their purpose in life I guess. This particular individual planning to break the cooking record is a young lady from the Northern part of Ghana. Initially, I read from the news she was going to cook for 120 hours but it seems someone has broken that record so now she plans on cooking for 240 hours which is equivalent to 10days.She’s already 6 days through so I guess she can make it.
The venue was packed with so many people ranging from sponsors, family and friends, supporters and even government officials. I didn’t even know what was going on since that was my first time. I ended up spending just 10 minutes there cos I felt it wasn’t really my thing.
Today being Sunday, I don’t have any plans for the day so I’m going to be stuck to my pc watching movies all day, I’ll probably prepare some meals for the week. That’s if I’m not lazy lol.
Basically, this is a summary of my weekend and this is my entry to this weeks #weekend-engagement contest. I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.
all images belong to me.