Hello dear hivers, here is another blog of mine and even is this simple it took a while for the preparation because he only did it alone as a cook and me as a back up. We are not professional cook but we tried our best to put food in the table for our dear visitors. Just a glimpse of some of the captured moments because of the busy day, sadly, everything was not documented but I hope you understand.
It was early morning when he killed some chickens for Kevler's birthday. And to tell you guys, my partner took care of the chickens for 40 days. The benefits of having them is that you got to know that the chickens were not injected of something for them to look big or even become very heavy.
We choose to buy chicks before the birthday because aside from it is much cheaper I guess it's a bit healthier. And off course it is convenient because you will not look for chickens for occasion anymore because it's already there, and guaranteed fresh☺️
The beauty of the kitchen or table before we finished cooking😅 How destructive to the eyes😆😆
Cleaned some chicken intestines. He likes to cook it like "adobo" style, remember its an intestines of 15 chickens😅😁
I thought you like these seaweeds also guys☺️☺️
Unripe bananas, good for chicken soup, yummy😋😋 This is a very popular fruit to put when it comes to cooking "tinibuok manok" and some other ingredients like ginger and many more.
Chicken Bisaya
Bangus for those who don't want chicken recipes ☺️☺️ I found the tummy of this fish taste like milk. The taste for me is just irresistible.
Chicken Lumpia
A lot of Filipinos cook lumpia in all occasions but of different versions, chicken, pork, vegetable, and fresh lumpia.
Chicken wings for barbecue
His birthday cake from his Ninang Pinky from Asturias, Cebu ❤️
Let's start the cooking🙂
To cut it short, here are the finished recipes prepared at the table for all the visitors who are coming.
Some gifts that Kevler received during his special day.
Some of our friends in here, got the time to chill as it is friday today and no work tomorrow. You know guys, i feel the time of loneliness when everyone else go home after the celebration, I am thinking sometimes that everything is just temporary. Thinking everything is never permanent was sad.
How we wish that we can be able to enjoy things that we want to last for a lifetime. I never get the chance to basically enjoy and have deep conversation for some people I love. I know it is very hard to find time but it will be sad after, we will regret something.
We Filipinos tend to have this what we call "close family ties". Others made it a talk that we still doesn't separate with our parents at the age of 18. Most of us stays home until we are married.
I would like to take this opportunity to say my point, as for me I would like to separate with the family the time If I want for as long as you have the job, you paid your own bills because you can, so that's a great time. For me there is no specific time, We like to be with our parents still for a long period of time not all but there are people who love to stay.
Special occasions celebrated at home with the family cannot be exchange with money, you know what I mean guys? For as long as we are alive, for as long as we have so much time to do it, then we have too. Life is too short. Enjoy every moment you can found in your soroundings.
We know we love to explore, we love to do anything? But let us not forget that our life here on earth is temporary. We all have the mission to help and love one another. We live for other's sake.
I know each one of us have the heart for other people during hard times but others never practice it and me sometimes😁 I know that all of us will be happy seeing other faces happy too.
I am happy now as my nephews came home to celebrate Kevler's special day. They bought the meat from the freezer, as we don't have freezer yet. I want all the family to be here as birthday is just once a year. And also they brought some of the food containers I borrowed from their mother.
That would be all for now my dear co-hivers, as I still need to rest after the long day. I am happy others came to celebrate and for those who are invited and got no time, let's see next year. Tired but worth it as we are able to give thanks to God for another year.
What a blessings for the whole family☺️☺️
God bless and have a great day dear hivers!!