Good day dear mates! So it seems that spring is coming to my region and first signs of it I faced out at this weekend. Weather was pretty good and a little bit frosty but anyway me and my friend decided to use possibility and to cook bbq on fresh air at my friends garden area which is located near forest!
So to cook bbq we marinated pork meat with onion and spices as a first variety.
Also we decided to use just onion and kefir with onion as the second one variety of marinade. And for desert we had a little bit chicken meat. When all was ready we let all varieties of meat to rest in marinade for several hours.
At the same time we went to the street to prepare fire and coals for cooking. When coal and braziers were ready we took meat and started to cook it on the fire.

As so as we wanted to cook a little bit faster we took another one brazier from our neighbor whose brazier is a bigger and it allowed us to cook more meat at the same time!
We finished cooking already after sunset. when almost became dark and more cold outdoors.
So when all was done we gathered around the table with friends together my friends garden house and enjoyed of taste of fresh cooked bbq with potatoes and some veggies!
That's all for now! Stay tuned! Yours @travoved