If we go out in search of food, we can find many delicious foods, but it also requires effort to decide which food you would like to eat, so let me tell you about a very delicious food. On my way I reached a shop but that day I did not intend to eat much food but when I smelled the food its attracted me to its self.
The smell of this food attracted me and I entered the shop to eat this food even though I didn't want to and I was not alone, my son Ahmed Mustafa was also with me. we asked what are the price? and what is the price, so the shopkeeper said that the price of a chapali kebab is 150 Pakistani rupees, so I gave order for 2 Kabab But before eating Chapli Kebab,
I asked the shopkeeper that how do you make this Chapli Kebab, what ingredients do you add to it? Most of it is meat and we use beef or cow meat so I was very happy to hear that because beef is a very tasty meat and the kabab is made from it. Every dish every food is unique in its deliciousness so we waited for 10 to 15 minutes then our chapli kebabs were ready and came to our table and we ate the chapli kebabs but the taste of the Rogni naan was superb somethi. It happens that if there is no oil in them and there is chapli kebab, then the taste of food becomes double, so when my son and I ate two chapli kebabs, the pleasure of us was so great that we again Also ordered Chapli Kebab from but we were full but wanted to eat more Chapli Kebab
but I thought that I will pack Chapli Kebab for my family too so that my daughter and my wife can also enjoy this delicious Chapli.
When I went home with these Chapli Kebabs, my whole family liked them very much and said that after a few days, if I want to go to Mianwali City again, I will definitely have these Chapli Kebabs again. Take it to the family So these Chapli Kababs were really delicious and their taste was great.
When I asked the shopkeeper what is the complete recipe of how you make these Chapli Kababs, he told me that the major ingredients of these Chapli Kababs are: It is meat. Apart from meat, we add tomatoes, onion and whatever else we have in it, add fennel, add cumin, add black pepper, add red pepper, add green pepper .
This is delicious naan roti as you can see the fun of eating Chapli Kebab with hot naan roti is something else and naan that too greasy naan greasy naan I like it very much and my son also likes it very much. I have eaten this kebab with naan bread and it was accompanied by delicious chutney so you can see the naan bread and this naan bread makes me hungry and naan is very popular. With and apart from this, if chapli kebabs are eaten with wheat bread, it is even more fun
You can see in these pictures that Chapli Kebabs are ready and their color is completely brown and their brown color is looking very delicious and heart-warming that people keep looking at them and even after seeing the pictures. Now I'm getting hungry, so as soon as the kebabs are ready in the frying pan, they turn brown and the color of the goose also turns brown, the growth peaks and Up tomato taste in it and red chilies taste green chilies and meat taste meat taste all these taste when cooked makes a very delicious chapli kabab
this chapli kabab looks very crunchy it looks juicy And looks very tasty and very delicious and this is how it tasted when we ate this Chapli Kabab, this is what it tasted like. How do you like this Chapli Kabab in the pictures? Tell me in the comments.
In addition to these ingredients , the shopkeeper said that they bring a special ingredients from Kashmir which is made only for special Chapli Kebab, so they also add those spice to the Chapli Kebab, which makes this Chapli Kebab , The taste of the kebab becomes more rich and delicious, so I was very happy with this recipe and I thought that I will definitely make this recipe at home. Now I am showing you some pictures in which you You can see how Chapli Kebabs are being made in a huge pot. This is a huge pan in which a lot of oil is poured and then big Chapli Kebabs are made in it. This shop is right in front of the shop shazad hotel mianwali . There is a cooking place, fresh hot Chapli Kebab is here, what is it, this Sheikh is making and when this chef was making Chapli Kebab, I took these pictures during this time, it is fun to see this Chapli Kebab being made.
And it happens when you are watching Chapli Kebab being cooked in a big pot, you feel like I must eat these Chapli Kebabs and I can't live without eating these Chapli Kebabs, so this is a huge puff pan. Chapli kebabs are made inside, so this is Chapli Kebab, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which is a province of Pakistan. It is the most eaten and liked in it and famous.
I hope you like my today Chipli Kebab recipe post but the food search will continue and I will keep bringing you all delicious delicious food blog and in the coming days I will add more. I will share interesting and delicious food recipes with you because I love food and I love to find delicious and tasty food and anyone who eats good food looks for quality food and new traditional food. And if he does not compromise on the quality of food, then his health is also good because life is the search for good food. We all should eat good food, eat delicious food, eat new food and enjoy our life Make because good and delicious and fresh new foods make human life and human mood and thoughts good too. If we don't eat good food, if we don't pay attention to good quality food, our health will be bad So I would say that whenever you go to eat at a hotel or eat at any street food, your first requirement is that the food should be of good quality and the ingredients used in it. Whether they are pure, use pure oil, use pure ingredients, use quality ingredients, or use rotten ingredients, or prepare food that can harm your health, so always eat good food, go to a good hotel.
Go and eat in a clean place and the dishes are also clean and the taste is good and the gradations used in making the food are also good, so my effort is to go and eat in a clean place. Eat but eat good and new food and I also like my home cooked food, so in the coming days I will share my home cooked food with you all and the delicious food of my area which is based on different rituals. I will also share what is made on different festivals and I will also share the famous mush hotels of the area where famous food is made and I will also share them here and this food search will continue. You will like this post of mine and if you really like this post of mine then you must tell me in the comments and give me an uprate Thank you very much my friend
My love