I have talked and will continue to do so in a section of the blog about animals that are harmful to the garden, but there are also many animals that are beneficial to the garden. These are the predators that help us control pests in the most efficient and clean way possible. Our job will be to attract them and respect them so that they can help us get the best harvests.
There are few birds more beautiful and elegant than the Barn Swallow. This small bird from the Hirundinidae family has an incredible flight that amazes us all. How it is able to make those incredible movements at such high speed. It is a migratory bird that announces the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere.
It is a very important bird for ecosystems and of course for gardeners, since it is a voracious consumer of insects. It hunts in flight and it is almost impossible to avoid its attack by insects. It is in danger of extinction due to some human actions. And its value is such that, as an example, I will tell you that if you destroy one of its nests in my country you can go to jail, even if they have made the nest in your house.
I have a few nests every year, which on the one hand keeps the garden free of many pests and on the other is quite annoying since swallows are not exactly clean in their nesting.
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