I have talked and will continue to do so in a section of the blog about animals that are harmful to the garden, but there are also many animals that are beneficial to the garden. These are the predators that help us control pests in the most efficient and clean way possible. Our job will be to attract them and respect them so that they can help us get the best harvests.
Scorpions are very famous arthropods among people, perhaps because of the false theory that their sting kills. The truth is that the sting of most species of Scorpion is mild. There are some types of Scorpion that have a very painful sting but in very few cases it can end a person's life. I suppose that this myth is due to the scorpion stings in the desert to inexperienced travelers that caused them fevers, then the desert did its job killing them from thirst and when they found them they had the sting. So now we have the false culprit.
But well I have strayed from the subject. There are scorpions almost all over the world and they are great insectivores so if you see them in your garden do not bother them. There is one little-known thing about scorpions and that is that they are great consumers of woodlice. They tend to be nocturnal so it is difficult for you to encounter them. As a tip, I would just say that you should wear gloves when you are going to lift stones, so you will avoid a painful sting.
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