Medicinal plants are essential in a garden and have many advantages for both us and our vegetables. In addition, they are very easy to grow and very resistant to both diseases and pests.
Centella herb or Centella asiatica is a herbaceous plant used in Asian medicine. It is a somewhat controversial plant as it is credited with many health benefits such as against rheumatism, leprosy or constipation as well as other conditions. But modern studies have not been able to prove that it is so effective.
What it is effective for and has been proven is to treat ulcers and as a good healing agent.
In Asia it is used traditionally and is prepared both for oral consumption and as skin ointments. But here in Europe it is usually consumed in herbal capsules or in any case as an ointment. It is not a plant that I have personally tried and I think there are better options. In any case it can be useful for some people who have not had good effects with other treatments. But it should always be under the supervision of a doctor.
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