You don't have to make excuses...

in Cent6 months ago


Welcome to my blog !

You should never look for one excuse for w why you can’t make money online, or why you can’t succeed. This world offers many excuses for failure, and more importantly, such reasons do not have to rule your existence.

You have to yearn to be an expert in your particular area of interest and have to do what is necessary to make it happen.

Do not even think about having an excuse anymore. Stop being negligent and start planning. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to start constructing the kind of life that you have always dreamt of.

Instead, begin now. Because you can't change where you are without first changing where you're going.

Stop being scared and skeptic, for mastering any endeavor, any field, whether it is a profession or an ability takes time, effort, and perseverance.


Lack of self-confidence is the greatest challenge to most individuals, and to overcome it takes time and energy. They fool themselves into believing that they cannot do it; so they do not spend the time and effort needed to master it.That is why they do not succeed. But, instead, many of them remain mediocre, if not worse, in all aspects of life.

Yes, I know that I enjoy writing and blogging, but still, I have to discipline myself to writing daily if I want to become a better writer. Of course, I have attempted a lot and have erred and have failed several times; however, I will not be discouraged to attempt again. If you believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, nothing is impossible in this world.

Experience is the key; the more one learns about something the more efficient one becomes at operation of same.

This means that no matter how much one tries to innovate or perform a certain task, there will always be new obstacles to overcome. However, one has to continue learning and developing as a professional or grow as a person, which is not a bad thing at all.

Do not dwell on the fact that you lack ability, rather view it as a motivation, that is, an inspiration.

Start a blog, Start a YouTube channel, Just start anything, Take your work to the highest level of proficiency possible. For if you can do these things then there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

This is how one becomes a professional in any chosen area of endeavour. Yes it is a process, and it takes time. All what one needs is to decide on the side of success and Stop being a coward.

Thanks for reading

 6 months ago Reveal Comment