Photos of Food Packaging for Majlis in Moharam

in OCD8 months ago

Yesterday, I posted a post on Majlis on the month of Moharam, explaining what this month is and what it means to Shia people.

In this piece, I'll offer photos of the food packaging that will be served following the Majlis. Majlis is gathering, as a scholar speaks about Karbala to hundreds of thousands of listeners, and they eventually mourn Imam Hussain.

Every year during the month of Moharam, millions of dollars are spent on different foods. Beef Biryani, Chicken Biryani, Mutton Biryani, Camel Biryani, juices, cakes, and a variety of other dishes are available.

People spend their money on all of these eating products solely to express their love and sympathy for Imam Hussain.

From the first to the tenth Moharam, food is delivered from various residences every day. Almost 50% of the populace donates food (NAZAR) in honor of Imam Hussain.

They believe that offering food for the sake of Imam will earn them a reward in the afterlife. In addition, God will reward them for their good deeds in life.

On this auspicious occasion, Fatimiya Centre also organized a special beef biryani, with images showing the food being packed and handed at the end of Majlis.

The distribution of various foods began on the first of Moharam and will continue until the tenth of Moharam.

The photographs show Biryani and lentils being packed for serving, as well as drinks and milks being prepared for the Majis' listeners.

These are the delicious foods prepared to express their affection for Karbala and Ahl Bait. These foods are made for approximately 200-300 individuals on a daily basis, which requires a significant amount of money donated by various people.

I've provided some photos of the food being packaged.

I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you will like it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.


Ma shah Allah , ap ku Allah ajray azmin day, you are doing great blessing work on Moharam , Allah hum sub ku hussain ki mohbat nasib kry amin

I appreciate how people enjoy sharing. Sharing large portions of meals is always tasty and beneficial for some families. This practice is not limited to just one month; here we do it throughout the entire year. Everyone brings their own dishes and takes a portion back home to their families.
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