When eating one should also consider where the food is made is what is used to make the food. For me this is very vital. That is the more reason why I love making.y food by myself.
For this prompt I want to talk about home made food or getting food from outside. I have my own reservations. Though someone may see it differently. I still believe that every one is entitled to his or her own opinion. I cook my food by myself for so many reasons which I would love us to consider. Before eating out we need to take into consideration things like:
Who made the food.
This is very important to me. If I look at a cook and discovered that is not the kind of person I can eat her food, i rether stay hungry. Some cook are very very dirty. When you look at their clothes down to their shoes you will not like to eat their food.The environment where the food was made.
In some restaurants that I have seen, the environment where their food is made may not be well kept. Only a few restaurants take care of their environment. Our people do say that your eyes will eat first before the mouth. If the eyes refuses to eat then the mouth too can not eat.The kind of water that is used in making the food.
Some environment where there is no water, people use dirty water to prepare public food. You will notice that there water is not kept where people will see how neat it is, so they can just use any how water to prepare the food. This can bring different kind of sickness to anyone who takes their food. This is the more reason why I love to do it myself so as to know what I use.Home made food is cheaper foe a larger family.
In a situation where you have up to seven people in one family and all you do is buy food from the restaurant outside, then it will be very expensive. When you try to use that same money to make food it will be very cheap. When you go to the market you will be able to buy what you want yo use and you will buy it very cheap.I make my food how I want it.
Buying food from outside sometimes makes one to eat even what you did not plan to eat. Even if is what you plan to eat, it might not be prepared the very way you desire it. When you prepare it yourself, you will make it as you want it.I use natural condiments while cooking.
Most of this Cook use too much condiments when cooking food and I don't like it's taste.
So in other yo save the cost I prepare the food for my family and by so doing we can use the remaining money to solve other family problems.
Lessons for me.
I have learned to make my food by myself because of some restaurants that I have encountered. If I make it myself, I will even include others and it will be enough.