in HiveGhanalast year

Both are very essential in present day - food and phone. While the former is far more essential, due to the adverse effects the lack of it may cause to an individual's general wellness, yet, some persons would rather run on an empty stomach than be separated from their device(s).

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I, for one, have had days when I had to be without either of them, and for varying reasons too. And so, I may say that while this is a pretty easy question to pass, it still isn't so easy.

One bad habit I grew up with was starving myself for so long at a tme. And until recently, that I made it a point of duty to eat whenever, and better too, I previously did not really have the interest. Food was only just for survival.And as one who is picky, my choices weren't so panned out and didn't perfectly identify with what some would call, real/solid food

These days, as an effect to my new habit, I have come to notice a slight change in my overall disposition when I skip meals. Just two days ago when I skipped breakfast, I felt so dizzy and weak that talking was a problem and my vision was a blur. Prior, I could go a day, even two, without anything substantial.

On the other hand, staying without my phone would not be much a hassle. I do not feel so much attachment. if I don't have to do any necessary task using my device, I don't assume that I wouldn't go without. Afterall, my eyes will thank me and I get to enjoy some me-time off the media.

Besides too, now that I get to feel some kind of way if I stay hungry, I'm only certain I'd be too weak to concentrate or use my device properly if I choose it against food.

Even if I have to think of losses in my dealings that I might incur should I stay a day without my device, it's also very essential to think of the anomalies that might occur if I get to subject myself to starvation. This even in the slightest way is unrelated to fasting as in that, some mental arrangements are made beforehand. And then, I have to think of just the benefits my body makes cause with food and without phone, I get to attend with undivided attention to physical activities and there's room for rest for my phone-usage muscles.

As much as I like staying on my phone, I know where to draw the line. In the past weeks, I've been off and on with my device so it wouldn't be an issue for an extra days. Interestingly, even if I choose to stay off my phone, that too, may not stop me from staying away from food. Some things are just a certain way with me.

And so right now, in the meantime, and to answer the prompt clearly, I ask 'here the food at'!?

Thanks for gracing this post.


Oh yes, food is important for our health and so I think phones our also a part of our daily, well, it depends what you use the phone for.

Wow, so true is hard to decide