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RE: For Marriage, there ought to be a balance

in HiveGhanalast year

Hehhe, I do, I do is just the beginning, the main journey starts after that day. Things have really changed, there is hunger and intimidation everywhere, marrying someone's child and letting her suffer is evil. I don't blame ladies who run away from marrying poor men, it's not their fault, some of them have already suffered from their homes and you still expect her to suffer at her husband's house again? No, nah😹 they only mistake some of them make is they make money a priority and forget the aspect of love. This is what makes most of their homed crash.

I am with you on this, it is not advisable to jump into marriage as a man when you are not financially stable


At all at all.. infact as a man, your main criteria should be stability before getting married

Well said boss. But do marry o