Food is one of the basic necessities of life according to Maslow's theory with the other two been clothing and shelter. We as humans cannot do without food as it is what the body needs for sustenance. Lack or insufficient nutrition leads to disease conditions and also reduces the efficiency of individuals in productive activities. Therefore, both the quality and quantity of food intake is important for a healthy living and well-being.
It is no longer news that food production and agriculture is facing a serious issue of decline as agriculture which was a mainstay of economy of nations especially the developing nations has been sidelined or neglected for other sectors of the economy especially in Africa due to the oil boom, "civilization", urbanization and so on. This is so because of numerous challenges that faced this sector which is a bedrock to other industries like manufacturing, processing, textile, pharmaceutical and so on.
The major challenge in food production and distribution is outdated policies on agriculture. In Africa and other developing nations, the agricultural boom of the 16th to 18th century came as a result of good policies then. For example, in Nigeria, there were policies like green revolution, operation feed the nation (OFN), construction of farm settlements and all, but now, they are all of the past. In addition, lack of political will to embrace modern technology rather the crude "cutlass and hoe" farming is another limitation. Also, wrong understanding of "civilization" makes agriculture to be restricted to some certain sets of individuals compared to several engagements of individuals, families to agriculture civilization notwistanding.
The oil boom experienced in some countries wasn't well managed and shifted attention from agriculture to other things which caused a decline in food production. Also, poor road network especially to farmlands, insecurities and so on affected food distribution. The way out of this includes a reorientation for individuals, families, nations to go back to agriculture for us to experience boom again. Likewise, There is need for provision of incentives like subsidised agricultural inputs and machineries, land provision etc for a total turn around. Social amenities like good roads, good transportation, electricity is needed especially in rural areas who are majorly involved in agriculture hence addressing urban migration and food distribution.
In addition, more employment opportunities should be given to gradutes of different agricultural fields which will make it lucrative and encourage more people to practice the knowledge acquired in schools rather than seeking career switch. It is evident that a drastic measure is needed in food production and distribution for us to move from the impending danger of famine to feasting in abundance. The future looks for now is signifying an impending famine and hunger unless a concerted effort is put into play. Thank you for reading, comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed.
This is my entry to @HiveGhana Weekly-Engagement Week 52 on "FUTURE FEAST OF FAMINE". I invite @adedoyin-g and @chidisticks to join in this engagement.