in HiveGhana7 months ago


The rainy period in the country has brought about a growth in the agriculture sector as food are grow in practically all areas of the country and even at the backyards of people. One thing I love about this period is the opportunity to grow some vegetables around the house that can come in handy at some point. I believe that not everything has to be bought at the market especially when you live in an environment where you can grow some small and useful crops like vegetables, pepper, tomatoes, fruits, herbal plants and so on. In the case of planting what is called scent leave at the house can come in handy when you prepare delicacies such as peppersoup, plantain porridge or yam porridge, this leave can even be added to produce the soup called black soup in Nigeria.


I also exploited the season by planting ball peppers at the back of the house and I was amazed by the growth of the plant. The were exposed to great sunlight and had the necessary nutrients needed to grow and enoung water gotten from the rain. The plant blossomed so well that when it began to bear fruits, I had to use them for several meals like making eggs, making akara balls also known as bean cake, garden egg sauce, tomato sauce and so on. This saved me some money because in Nigeria currently, the cost of food stuff is so expensive due to the hike in fuel price, hence transportation is an added effect.


Although the rain period comes with ts positive and negative side but the issue has to do with the government or necessary agencies to enact an actual method to combat flooding in specific areas. In some places in the south and west of Nigeria, there are frequent complaints of flooding that happens every year and no solution in sight. This is harmful as many people has lost their lives and properties destroyed. So while the rainy period has been beneficial so far to many communities in terms of agriculture, some are facing a great loss in farm produce due to the heavy rain and flooding.

Nigeria is blessed with natural vegetation, where different kinds of healthy foods can be planted in different areas of the country, but unfortunately the prices are getting out of hand. But in all, it's been a blessed year, more of the fact that I was able to grow my own little crops that is serving me well.

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Wow, looks like you took great advantage and your seeds yielded great results. Never knew it wasn’t that difficult to grow bell peppers.