in HiveGhanalast year


There is this fulfilment I get from having homemade food. No matter how unbalanced it is in terms of diet, I always feel satisfied and fulfilled. Anyways, looking back, I've come to realize that 40% of the food that I've eaten are mostly gotten from a convenient shop because growing up I lived with just my dad and most times he always gets home late and since we were little then, we got use to getting prepared foods.

It was not so hard for us though, infact it was a lot more easier than preparing the food ourselves at home. All that we needed was money and that's it. We only ate home made food when Dad was around until we learned how to prepare food ourselves. I discovered that we spent a lot on buying junks and most of the time we are never satisfied with it and that made me develop an interest in learning how to cook.

After I got to learn how to cook myself, I had to reduce the way I bought already-made foods and that helped my family saved a lot of money. Now the only time we eat out are on those days when we feel like just eating out but that happens seldomly. I hated eating out because of a lot of stories I heard and even though I never really experienced a major one, I saw some truths in most of the stories and I also had my little experience.


While I was running a program last year, it made me leave the house very early so most times I didn't just get the chance to eat before leaving the house and since I don't finish early from the classes, I usually get some snacks to eat during the free hours. There was this particular day when I decided to try something new and I ended up wasting my money because I found a cockroach inside my snack!

Normally, I'm always fond of being so sensitive when it comes to what I eat so it's hard for me to eat dirt in any food no matter how small it is. When I first had a bite of the snacks, I didn't like the taste and that just made me even more focused on the content of the snacks. I was only tempted to get that particular snacks because I enjoyed the first one I bought.

Immediately I saw the cockroach inside the snacks, I almost threw up but because I was in public, I just tried to control myself. It was really unpleasant and that made me disliked buying anything from that particular lady and even others as well. I had to settle for just biscuits and water on days when I really needed something to be in my stomach.

Preparing my own food at home is what I enjoy doing more because I know it would be safe and also satisfying as well. And for days when I just can't cook, I always settle for cereals or anything dried and baked.

This is my participation to the hiveghana's weekly prompt on "HOME COOKED FOOD VS TAKE OUT".

All Images used are mine


Everyone is seeing things inside their street food
My own was grasshopper o😂
Imagine if you didn’t pay attention after the first bite😂

Yes!! It's was so irritating and I almost fell sick 😬.

What! How can grasshopper be inside food? Was it prepared in the wilderness? 😅

I don't want to even imagine what would have happened if I wasn't paying attention 🤢

Wilderness 😂😂

I see 🤣🤣

I’m not part o🤣🤣

How can I believe that now? 😂😂



So you’re a good cook?😂
Well I think cooking is stressful I must say, when I have enough cash I eat out but based on the economy I’m forced to cook these days.

Did you get that from my write up? That I'm a good cook? 😅😅 Nah!!! I only know how to cook what someone can manage 😂.

Yeah, I can understand because you are a guy and a really busy one but thank God the economy is teaching you well, hehe.

Thank you so much for stopping by 🤗

You’re welcome


Home cooked meal are and will always be the best, safest and cost-effective.

I couldn't agree less 🥰

Seriously ,sister you are just making me hungry,hunger is everywhere and you are posting this .lolz😂😂😂,

This is what I love too , eating well cooked food

Hehehe, even me sef I was hungry while writing it too 😅. Sorry ehn 😂, it's always different eating homemade food and I'm happy you like eating well cooked foods 😊.

Thank you so much for stopping by 🥰

I will always affirm that homemade meals are the best and safest.

That's right, I concur 🥰

Home cooking is best

I agree with you 😊

I will always prefer home made meals anytime anyday. Sorry about your experience with the roach

Yeah it was an unpleasant experience really. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment 😊