Smartphones have been around for a very long time and most of us have been using them for over 10 years, so it's not surprising that some have gotten addicted to their phone over time and are in denial of that. once upon a time, I refused to believe that I'm addicted to my phone even after my friends pointed it out several times but in the end, I realized they were right and accepted the fact that I'm addicted to my phone. So, that's why I had a hard time trying to figure out how to go about this topic.
Aside from my phone, food is another thing that I love and I like to believe it's the same for everyone else (I mean, who doesn't love food?). Food is very important and I can't even imagine not eating for a day, the hunger would be very unbearable. This reminds me of my first year in the university, when I stayed back in school after exams even when I had very few foodstuffs left and I was still depending on allowances from my parents which they refused to send because I chose to stay in school.
Anyway, that period was very terrible because I was eating once a day. Hunger became my companion and that was when I realized something; I can't even enjoy anything I do on my phone. I guess what I am trying to say is that food is an important criterion for me to be able to use my phone properly, so I see no point in giving up food just to press my phone all day. I know the human body can survive 3 weeks without food but for me it feels like I would die if I didn't eat in a day 😅.
One main reason why I will choose a day without my phone rather than food is that I can do without my phone and still function properly all through the day but on the other hand, I will be too uncomfortable to do most things in the day if I eat within a day. I won't even be able to use my phone like I used to because I will probably be pacing around or just sleeping off while trying to cope with the hunger. The only scenario where I won't be bothered much by hunger is when I'm busy with something extremely important, like what happened during my final year project at the university.
Also, I can easily replace my phone with other devices, at least the choice was between food and phone, no other thing was mentioned which means I won't be able to use my phone for a day but things like my laptop are still available 😁 I can basically do the same things I do with my phone on my laptop. Let's assume the choice is between a day without food or a day without everything that has a screen (phone, laptop and television), I will still pick a day without screens. It has happened before during times of prolonged power outage and I survived with no issue.
I can just read some of the numerous novels and books that my sisters have lying all over the house, take a walk outside and explore nature or even do some coding in a notebook with a pen. That's what I did last month when my phone went off because of long periods of power outage, I was so bored that I started writing some codes (mostly pseudo-codes) for an app that has been on my mind for weeks, and then created it with my phone when I finally charged it at my neighbour's place who owns a generator.
There are indeed some benefits to spending a day without my phone but I don't see how going a full day without food would benefit me, it's not like I'm trying to lose weight or something, and it's not even a good way of losing weight, at least have some fruits and vegetables. Not using my phone in a day won't cause me any problems but nothing eating certainly will 😅 so I rather do without my phone.
Thanks for reading
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