A taste of home.

in HiveGhana10 months ago


African cuisine is quite unique, and I adore it. I really enjoy dishes cooked with yams and other tubers. These foods are common in Ghana, and cooking dishes with them provides me great delight and pleasure.

In Ghana, yams, plantains, and other tubers are sold on the street, typically fresh from the farms. They arrive fresh, natural, and full of flavour. The pleasure of purchasing these goods locally and making meals with them is a favourite element of my daily schedule. These meals are both genuine and of exceptional quality.

I just discovered several yams and tubers while visiting some shops in the UK. They appeared strong, but I couldn't help but be sceptical. Unlike the ones from Ghana, which I know are natural and fresh, these appeared a little unusual. Despite their look, I couldn't put my whole confidence in their quality like I do with those from home.





Another notable difference was the cost. Yams and tubers cost much more in the UK than they do in Ghana. The difference made me appreciate how accessible and affordable these vital goods are back home. It is a joy to have such nutritious and delicious foods available at a reasonable price in Ghana.

Finding African food in the UK, despite the greater pricing, was a pleasant sense of home. It's encouraging to know that even though I am distant from Ghana, I can still connect with my home via cuisine. Even though I'm far away from home, the flavour of these classic foods gives me a sense of connection and comfort.

While the experience of eating these meals varies by country, an appreciation for African cuisine endures. It's a lovely way to honour our culture, regardless of where we are on the globe.



This are looking very fresh sir even in the supermarket wow. I am used to buying yam in local markets.

Hope they are not expensive at your end.

you should put some recipes in there. so we can cook too.

lol thanks dear.

Aricah fooda are actually the best...when I travel overseas it's African food all the way