I don’t know if I’m just poor or things are actually expensive out there. No one seems to talk about how the cost of foodstuffs these days is alarming. I used to say that cooking your meals at home saves you more money as compared to buying outside but at this juncture I’d like to agree otherwise.
Tell me why vegetables are so expensive in this season. Being someone who loves vegetables, I always feel like crying when I go to the market because they’ll just choke you with high prices and you can’t say you won’t buy. It’s unfortunate I’m not in Nigeria with my brother @fashtioluwa, we would have been organising gari party for you guys.😂
Anyways, aside air I believe there’s nothing like a quick and easy meal. Cooking isn’t something small, if it was, @yahuzah would know how to cook.😂 There’s always that particular day when I feel so exhausted after a long day but a girls got to eat.
In a situation like this, most people would opt for noodles because you just need to boil it and you’re good to go. Today, I want to introduce you to ‘mpotompoto’ from Ghana. This is a meal prepared with yam or plantain. I would have called it yam or plantain porridge but it isn’t porridge.😅
It’s quick and easy to prepare and it’s also very nutritious and delicious. This is my secret meal for days when I’m exhausted.
You really don’t need much for this meal. All you need to do is get these ingredients:
-Palm oil
To prepare mpotompoto;
- First boil your yam , pepper and eggs with some salt for about 15 minutes until it’s soft and sieve the water out.
- Next, you transfer your yam into a blender or an earthenware bowl
- Heat up your palm oil and fry your onions for a few minutes.
- Transfer the oil and friend onions into your yam and grind/blend with some spice(optional).
- Make sure everything is mixed well and served with boiled eggs.
- This should take about 20-30 minutes
- Serve with a cold juice for better results.😅🤝
Try this is thank me later. This is your time to do away with noodles and gari. We need good food to replenish our lost energy and I would surely bet my last on this meal.
all images belong to me.