Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. I see people who mention cooking as a hobby and I am left wondering how people really enjoy something so stressful, cooking has never been my thing. I don't fancy it but I was born into a family where everyone was expected to know how to cook a few things for your survival at least, cooking not being my thing made me wish my family was one of those that practice and allow gender specific roles or task in the house. At least that way the girls gets to do the cooking, but fortunately and unfortunately my parents don't support such, so I was forced to learn how to cook.
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In many cases I have seen reason to be grateful my parents forced me to learn how to cook, if not my eyes would have seen my ears 😂. My laziness for cooking makes me prefer takeouts, but you cannot always have the funds for takeouts. When there is no money for takeouts I fall back to my cooking skills, and I try to Picture myself and the level of hunger I would have suffered if I did not know how to cook. Lately, with how bad the economy has become I doubt coping with takeouts, so permit me to say my cooking skills will be my saving grace, met a few guys that don't know how to cook and how much they suffer is something I don't wish for myself, snacks all the time does not really help matters.
Whenever I get back from class, feeling so tired and exhausted the thought about what to cook becomes and issue and sometimes I wish we don't really have to eat or getting hungry is something the human body can control and choose when we get hungry just so I can avoid the stress of going to the kitchen. My laziness and dislike for cooking always makes me go for meals that are easy to prepare and I won't spend much time in the kitchen. I have a lot of fastfood I turn to, the likes of spaghetti, fried yam and egg, fried plantains and egg but for me noodles beats every other emergency meal I always turn to.
So the go to meal I turn to is definitely noodles and fried egg, it works like magic everyday and every time. I hear people say eating noodles is tiring, well not for me, it is easy to prepare and you don't need to spend so much time making preparations for the food. A few ingredients and the noodles itself and food is ready, with the hike In the price of goods and services sometimes it is hard to believe the rate at which we buy noodles now.
To get my food ready all I need is my noodles which cost at least 1,000 naira ($0.72) the price can vary depending on the quantity I want, onion bulb 200 naira ($0.14), groundnut oil, 2 eggs 500 naira ($0.36), spices and pepper. I am not a chef, sorry if you were expecting to see carrot and green beans 😂. Every individual with how they love to prepare their noodles, I first of all boil it a little for a few minutes and sieve it out then put little water on fire add ingredients and afterwards add my noodles and let heat up then stir. To fry my egg, I mix everything in a bowl, put my frying pan on fire and follow due process. To get this done shouldn't take more than 15 minutes and your food is ready.
Thanks for reading my post.