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RE: Once Or Twice, Moderation Is Key

Moderation is truly the key to life. It is nice reading this. Makes me smile knowing you are eating well and taking good care of yourself, which is very necessary.

Truly, people who don't have any sort of health issues don't know about what the over consumption of red meat does them. Maybe they do... lol, and they are just using the people sort of line.

It's also nice that someone is coming over to be with you. I know you'd share it, so I am patiently waiting for that moment


Thank you. Well, I'll give anything to eat anything and not feel any further complications in my body. However I don't have that and it seems I now have to be careful. It's expensive. You're right, moderation is key. So once in a while I eat those bad stuffs, maybe once in a month or more than that

Yes, one has to be careful. It is very necessary to be.

Haha... enjoy 😉