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RE: Are You Aware You Might Have Diabetes?

in The City of Neoxian10 months ago

Excellent write up, excessive blood sugar is an epidemic especially in America where sugar is added to most foods. Unfortunately that epidemic is slowly creeping up in Africa. What excessive sugar in the blood does is damage the small blood vessels especially in the extremities. That's why diabetics wounds take long to heal or don't heal at all causing rotting of flesh or gangrene leading to amputation.
Too much sugar causes obesity or increase in body weight.
Sugar also damages the small blood vessels in eyes causing impaired vision and eventually total vision loss. Damaged small vessels in the penis causes erectile dysfunction in men, eventually leading to impotence.
It is quite scary what diabetes does and that's why it's important for people to check their levels and take correctional action before the damage is done. Exercise is a good way to reduce blood sugar especially weight lifting and aerobic exercise.
Thank you for highlighting the issue of blood sugar , hopefully someone somewhere learns something.
Do keep enjoying your week :}


Thanks for that extensive input. I think people feel that they're immune to diabetes when they're young, forgetting that it's a disease that weakens the system and accumulates overtime. Ignorance most time doesn't not exclude people from suffering from severe consequences