Curating posts - Your chance at the weekly 2 HSBI x3 for your work week #15 - The chosen three for week #14

in The City of Neoxian7 months ago

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Selfie screenshot taken from when Hive Fest had to be virtual

Curating Posts with HSBI #15

Welcome everyone to the weekly HSBI curation post.

This will be aimed at people who post content of good quality that I will be going through every week, in order to find the three that will be sponsored for 2 HSBI just for posting as they already are. Having the names readily available on these posts will save me time every week as I do get quite busy working full time and blogging while doing other things in life.

I want to provide more to the Hive community through this HSBI being sponsored in their name which includes new people and old to the blockchain, that can earn constant small bits from the HSBI over a long period all thanks to their quality or even some effort shown in their posts, to want to share with everyone else what they love or enjoy blogging about!

Should you want to check out more information on HSBI and how it works, there are a variety of posts on their page. You can find Hive SBI - Value Balances and Upvote Delivery to know more about the balances and how upvotes work, or if you want more information in general about the project including FAQs then you can go to Hive SBI.

What to consider for being included

A few things you need to consider to get curated and to also help me look at people when curating:

  1. What I will be looking for is effort shown in the quality of how posts are designed like multiple nice screenshots/art/self taken pictures etc to go with the writing, or something with quite a bit in it and written well, or anything really that feels like quality which doesn't have to be exactly what I mentioned or really big posts because not everyone has time to sit and write 800 - 2000 words or so

  2. You can mention either yourself and/or other people in a comment that you think have good content which will help me looking into what will be curated, if you aren't fully sure then feel free to drop your name or others still because I will look anyway

  3. There is no wheel for this as it is curation, over a normal giveaway post but I will save names I have chosen in a spreadsheet so I am not always picking the same people (but may occasionally pick someone again)

  4. I may curate with extra HSBI off post to help more people so having those names will help


I find the social experiment of HSBI to be a solid project that can be used to really help people out that are deserving of earning on their posts and even if they only get small bits for a while, it will continue on through over time and the votes and slowly build up Hive users to grow their own account value, which helps them build the potential to helps others as well.

I am always open to ideas and feedback regarding any curation or giveaway I do, or if I do any contests. If you want to support me in any way then it is always appreciated but never expected and you do not need to for being in for a chance in the HSBI curation.

When do I go through and choose names?

I will be looking throughout the week and marking down names and then going back over them and other names on the weekend, so I can determine 3 people to choose to sponsor. But since this is weekly and three people, there will be plenty to go around!

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Image taken from Pixabay - Orion's Nebula then cropped to use between sections.

The three I have chosen for week #14

I have gone through and chosen the three people I am sponsoring 2 Hive for this week after having a look at some posts and finding I liked what I saw and they were the chosen ones.
These people are:

@stekene - Tries to write 2 long form posts a week but writes mostly about games: Splinterlands and WOO. The posts give you a good read with one recent post being a Hive initiative talk into ways to onboard people to the Hive ecosystem. They nominated themselves which I am happy with so I could easily find someone to check out, so definitely give their profile a look!

@itadori-yuji - You will see posts with sometimes a video to go with some writing and a screenshot, or a lot of writing and screenshots for the game and other times might be smaller posts.

@luigibross - Gives a look at different games for different platforms including a video showing gameplay, writing and screenshots about them and while the posts are sometimes a good length or shorter, you get a good look at the game being talked about.

Congratulations and thank you for making an effort to bring nice posts to the Hive community which is what we all like to see.


Great initiative, I think I will be nominating myself to start with.

Thank you for the self nomination.
You have some well thought out, well written meaningful posts.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much for accepting my self-nomination and the 2 hsbi! 🙌
Congratulations to the other 'winners'!

That is very nice of you to help bloggers out on this platform.

I started about a month ago writing posts, you can check me out @foxkat
I'm still trying to learn and see how to make really awesome posts, but I feel like I'm already getting the hang of it.

You definitely are getting the hang on it and are making some great posts!
They have a nice and appealing layout, instructions on making the DIY projects for home made things and while these are shorter posts which aren't too short, the instructions and images help make them into a quality post.

Thank you for stopping by so I could check your profile out. 🙂