in Daily Blog7 months ago

Today is a homemade Sunday, one of those when we prepare the Sunday soup and breakfast is almost lunch because we got up early to buy some things that were missing for the soup. I tell you that for days there have been no vegetables in the city, they have not been brought to the area because of the same situation we are still going through, so when I got up we went to a nearby grocery store to see what we could buy.

Hoy es domingo casero, de esos en los que se prepara la sopita dominguera y el desayuno es casi almuerzo porque nos levantamos temprano directo a comprar algunas cosas que estaban faltando para la sopa. Les cuento que desde hace días no se encuentran hortalizas en la ciudad, no han traído a la zona por la misma situación que estamos atravesando aún, así que al levantarme nos fuimos a un abasto cercano a ver qué podíamos comprar.

I use vegetables in every meal, mostly because of my Keto diet, which I try to follow as much as possible. On Sundays I break the rules a little bit by integrating some carbohydrate to the menu, and today I wanted it to be arepitas, nothing else, but preparing a very traditional and Sunday dish with eggs and fried plantains in margarine, tomatoes, white cheese and grilled arepitas.

Yo uso hortalizas en todas las comidas, más que todo por mi dieta Keto, que trato de cumplir en la medida de las posibilidades. Los domingos rompo un poco las reglas integrando algún carbohidrato al menú, y hoy quise que fueran arepitas, nada más, pero preparando un platillo muy tradicional y dominguero con huevitos y plátano frito en margarina, tomates, queso blanco y arepitas a la plancha.

When I arrived at the supermarket, I was honestly sad not to find the usual variety, but I thanked God that there were still some things left to support the fortnight's meals, I hope that soon they can supply the city's stores with fruits and vegetables, they are necessary.

Al llegar al supermercado, sinceramente me dio tristeza no encontrar la variedad de siempre, pero di gracias a Dios que aún quedaban algunas cosas para darles soporte a las comidas de la quincena, espero que pronto puedan surtir de frutas y hortalizas los comercios de la ciudad, son necesarios.

I managed to buy some tomatoes among the few that were left, the vegetables for my soup, and some seasonings, I was sure that what I was taking, although it was little, would serve me to prepare a very tasty soup and also my breakfast lunch, because I left without breakfast and I wanted to get home to eat, I only had a cup of coffee before leaving.

Logré comprar unos tomates entre los pocos que quedaban, las verduras para mi sopa, y algunos aliños, estaba segura que lo que estaba llevando, aunque era poco, me serviría para preparar una sopa muy rica y también mi desayuno almuerzo, porque me fui sin desayunar y ya quería llegar a la casa para poder comer, sólo me tomé una taza de café antes de salir.

After breakfast, I started to prepare my soup, I already had the boiled meat from the day before, I washed and chopped my vegetables, as well as my seasonings, and I took some aromatic herbs from my garden like oregano, basil and coriander, and with that I finished giving my soup a wonderful flavor. I added a couple of eggs and some corn dumplings, and that was it.

Después de desayunar, comencé a preparar mi sopa, ya tenía la carne sancochada del día anterior, lavé y piqué mis verduras, al igual que mis aliños, y tomé varias hierbas aromáticas de mi jardín como orégano, albahaca y culantro, y con eso terminé de darle a mi sopa un sabor maravilloso. Le agregué un par de huevitos, y unos bollitos de masa de maíz, y listo.

My soup was ready a little after noon, and I saved it for dinner, which I usually make early.

Mi sopa estaba lista un poco después del mediodía, y guardé para la cena, que generalmente la hago temprano.


All images belong to my personal archive - Todas las imágenes pertenecen a mi archivo personal
The translator used is: Deepl Translator // El traductor utilizado es: Deepl Translator

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Aplicaciones: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot y Pixiz.
Traducción: Deepl Traductor
Las imágenes personales son tomadas con un dispositivo móvil Android Redmi 13 Note, de mi propiedad.
Las imágenes utilizadas en los banners, minibanners, gifs y separadores, son cortesía de Pixabay.
Derechos Reservados del Autor: @annafenix (2021 – 2024)

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Original Author Content
Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Redmi 13 Note mobile device, owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2024)


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My pleasure!

I heard the Keto diet is very hard, how do you feel? I am a fan of soups, I love them in all ways 😊

I love soups, especially the ones that are made on wood fire, they grab a rich smoky flavor.
The Keto diet is easy if we combine a lot of things, so it's not always the same so we don't screw it up. I thought it was going to be more complicated, and even though I am a fan of junk food, I have adapted because I vary a lot the proteins and vegetables. On weekends I do go outside the rules, and even so, I have seen positive effects, but if I were more disciplined, I'm sure I would see more, hahaha.