Well, slap me with a cinnamon roll and call me glazed! Has it ever been a week! Honestly, the past several days felt more like a year, but that sense of being is probably due to gluten inhalation reasons.
That's right, my summer theme park gig has gotten a little out of control. But first, a little back story.
My job is supposed to be one that is technically and intellectually challenging, but not in an overly chaotic way. I am supposed to go into the bakery in the early morning hours, crank out a case of pastries in three hours, and then do some prep and a bit of treat baking to finish up the day. Think Hell's Kitchen chaos for three hours, followed by a more sedate cozy mystery novel kitchen setting few more hours of baking bliss.
Well, not this year. Some genius decided that we could provide the new waterpark venue with cookies, Rice Krispie Treats, and three kinds of brownies. I mean, it's not a horrible idea, but there was some not thinking of logistics going on.
To start with, I bake in a closet. Literally, the GM manager of the theme park often stops by to grab a treat and marvels at what we do in our tiny space. Secretly, it makes me a bit proud even though I spend 99% of my work day annoyed at the juxtaposition that is the space I have to work in versus what I am expected to produce.
Two, they doubled our workload and didn't hire a single extra employee. There are only five of us. One is new and very young. One is in her seventies, one only works one day a week due to health reasons, and one other only works two days a week. So we don't even have a full time crew.
And our one oven, ghost crew, in a tiny space is supposed to produce several hundred treats, DAILY, for a 1200 person an hour state of the art restaurant in a massive new water park expansion, on top of our already stout workload for the front coffee house that we are located in.
Yep, brouhaha and bat-ca-ca.
Here's the thing, last year I really enjoyed baking at the theme park. It was equal parts challenging and enjoyable. This year though, this year has stumbled into bodily carnage. If I hadn't gave my word I would stay until Labor Day, I would have already dipped out, but I am a sucker who honors my word until the end. Sigh. Integrity blows sometimes.
Thankfully, I have an AMAZING massage therapist, because let me tell you, even though I am capable of working hard, let's just say that my wee carcass is showing the signs of strain after all of these 10-12 hour baking days. My therapist is starting to get more and more concerned as she tries to work out all the issues, and me, well I feel like a big ball of bruises.
But, there are good things too. One big thing is that I have learned what I am capable of. Sunday, I made and baked 32 dozen cookies from scratch in one hour and forty-five minutes. My neophyte co-worker was looking at me funny when I pulled the last batch from our one convection oven. I realized that the look was awe, as the realization of which was cemented in my mind when she told me that she couldn't believe what I just did in an awestruck tone.
When you are thrown in the weeds and push through, sometimes you learn things about yourself. This summer, I learned I am one hell of a baker, and not just a casual baker, but a professional level baker. I can mentally time about fifty things at once in a sort of grand dough symphony that peaks with glaze and icing. I really do love baking.
But, I need to do it on my own terms. This pace is a little grueling.
That said, I only have about four weeks to go. I'm a little nervous because I go back to college the 19th of August, and that two week overlap where I am both at the bakery and school is a bit scary, but I will just put my head down and read and knead. Who knows, it might be fun?
Plus, I have texts like the one I got from the massive waterpark restaurant manager yesterday about our baked goods to help get me through,
"We literally have people willing to wait for them. They are all that good!
So, even though I can't feel fingers on both my hands from pinched nerves, I might be a bit smiley right meow...