It was a very fruitful joyous special Saturday. We were supposed to have a pizza birthday celebration for my youngest son on the 29th June, Saturday but he was having abdominal pain, so we postponed to another Saturday. And it finally happened!
Pizza Gathering For Birthday Celebration
My youngest son's real birthday is on 3rd July, but we had this pizza celebration on later date on 13th July, it was fine for him, because he just wanted to try the new volcano cheese pizza!!!
So, let's Volcano Pizza Birthday Cake! Haha!
He had two birthday celebration. One with my husband's side of family, and this pizza one was with my side of family. His Uncle (my youngest brother) and Aunt had arrived earlier at 6pm, another family would arrive later at 7:30pm and asked us to celebrate and to start eating first. A photo together was a must!
I bought 4 large pizzas: volcano cheese Alfredo chicken, beef pepperoni-roni, simply cheese pizza and ultra Hawaiian pizza.
I also added chicken mac' n cheese and beef mac' n cheese for extra in case the pizzas were not enough.
Later on, my another brother's family arrived and the niece was so hungry already.
After pizza, we also had durian, yay, bought by my eldest brother. So yummy, it was such privilege to get to try Musang King, D101 and Red prawn durians. Yums!!!
Then, it was mobile games together time, as well as watching Ultraman at Netflix. Haha.
Lunch at Aunt's
Let's rewind back to our lunch which we had it at our Aunt. I did tell her we would be eating pizza, so she didn't need to cook a lot. She prepared for us delicious fried rice with prawns, chickens and mixed vegetables.
Also, she cooked a bowl of yummy wontons with vegetables. Her marinated pork in the wontons were so delicious. Yum yum!
That was how we concluded our Saturday, lunch at Aunt's and a joyous pizza birthday celebration in the evening. Our day ended at 10pm because the nieces refused to go home earlier. They really loved to hang out at my house, if they had a choice, they would want to overnight here. Haha. Let's make it happen another time.