The simple things are what make me love Hive (¨Daily Blog¨)

in Daily Blog2 months ago
Como están mis amigos de esta preciosa ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨:  Que alegría estar nuevamente en este genial lugar, para compartir con todos algunas fotografías que hemos hecho en uno de los tantos paseos que hacemos en mi ciudad. Abigail está de vacaciones y durante dos semanas aprovechamos para salir a pasear por diferentes lugares por la ciudad; este año nos quedamos en casa disfrutando de las cosas bellas que ofrece nuestra ciudad.

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this beautiful ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨:  What a joy to be back in this great place, to share with everyone some photos we took on one of the many walks we take in my city. Abigail is on vacation and for two weeks we took the opportunity to go out for walks around different places in the city; this year we stayed home enjoying the beautiful things our city offers.

La vida se trata de vivir día a día en cercanía de las personas que amamos y a las que les brindamos toda nuestra atención y cariño, la felicidad, no es una vida ¨ostentosa¨ lleno de lujos, es hacer lo que nos gusta a todos, y que cada cosa que hagamos, por más simple que sea, este lleno de dicha y alegría. Vivir ¨momentos¨¨inolvidables¨ no es contratar un ¨servicio¨ turístico ¨exótico¨ en un rincón especial del mundo, muchos lo hacen y aun así no son felices, no se trata del lugar, se trata de las personas que te acompañan en esos momentos

Source: Family Álbum

Life is about living day by day close to the people we love and to whom we give all our attention and affection, happiness is not an "ostentatious" life full of luxuries, it is doing what we all like, and that everything we do, no matter how simple it is, is full of happiness and joy. Living unforgettable moments is not about hiring an "exotic" tourist service in a special corner of the world. Many people do it and still aren't happy. It's not about the place, it's about the people who accompany you in those moments.

Con el paso de los años las personas vamos aprendiendo, y en base a la experiencia vamos experimentando cambios. Fui una de esas personas que solo hacía fotografías de los cumpleaños, fiestas, y de los lugares en donde pasábamos las vacaciones; con la llegada de #Hive a mi comencé a ver la vida con un enfoque diferente, aprendí que en los momentos ¨simples¨ de la ¨vida¨ había suficientes motivos para celebrar, ser feliz y merecía hacer una fotografía para recordar esos momentos tan especiales

Source: Family Álbum

I was one of those people who only took pictures of birthdays, parties, and places where we spent our holidays; With the arrival of #Hive, I began to see life with a different approach. I learned that in the "simple" moments of "life" there were enough reasons to celebrate, be happy and it was worth taking a photo to remember those special moments

Haber conocido personas de diferentes partes del mundo, con una manera de pensar distinta a la mía expandió la forma de ver las cosas; leer a las personas que sigo que compartieron sus experiencias me ha hecho reflexionar en muchas cosas, y comprendido que en ocasiones deseamos cosas que no están a nuestro alcance, y lo que anhelamos pueden ser parte de lo soñamos, y mientras eso sucede aprovechar cada momento para compartir con las personas que amo

Source: Family Álbum

Having met people from different parts of the world, with a different way of thinking than mine, expanded the way I see things; Reading people I follow who shared their experiences has made me reflect on many things, and understood that sometimes we want things that are not within our reach, and what we long for can be part of what we dream of, and while that happens, take advantage of every moment to share with the people I love

#Hive me permitió conocer muchas personas y aprender desde su experiencias, un conocimiento que jamás hubiera alcanzado si solo se trata de aprender por lo que he vivido, por estas cosas sencillas y simples es que amo a nuestra compañía, desde su llegada ha cambiado mi manera de pensar y de ser, desde entonces nuestros paseos tiene una conexión con #hive, cada cosa que hago lo hago pensando en que me pueda servir para compartir con mis amigos y las personas que siguen mis post, cada disparo que hago con mi cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ está pensado en la utilidad que les pudo dan en mi block; así se han hecho estas fotografías, pensadas en que comunidades se podría alojar para que otros con los mismos gustos las puedan disfrutar. Como no amar a #Hive por todo lo que ha hecho por mí en beneficio de las personas que amo

Source: Family Álbum

#Hive allowed me to meet many people and learn from their experiences, a knowledge that I would never have achieved if I only learned from what I have lived, because of these simple and simple things is why I love our company, since its arrival it has changed my way of thinking and being, since then our walks have a connection with #hive, everything I do I do thinking that it can serve me To share with my friends and people who follow my posts, every shot I take with my Nikon Coolpix B500 camera is thought of in terms of the use they may have in my blog; this is how these photographs have been made, thinking about which communities they could be hosted so that others with the same tastes can enjoy them. How can I not love #Hive for everything it has done for me for the benefit of the people I love


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Las cosas simples son las mas hermosas de la vida, ojala todos las vieran, son detalles que hacen la vida más bonita. Muchas gracias @jlufer, muy buen domingo!!😃

Con los años uno se va dando cuenta de estas cosas, y que los sueños que uno persigue son solo eso, sueños, y mientras llegan hay que disfrutar de la vida, y ello estan en las cosas simples
Muchas gracias por todo el gran apoyo que me brindas a diario
Que tengas un precioso domingo, un cariño grande para toda la familia querida amiga @avdesing

Vos lo dijiste y así es. Por las cosas bellas y simples de la vida!

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

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Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed

Same here sir. We don't usually take pictures every event but now that I'm in Hive, I realized how valuable it is to take photos in every event or ordinary in our life.😊

Hello dear friend @fixyetbroken good day
It's incredible how the arrival of #hive has made great changes in our lives
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit

You're welcome. 😊 I agree indeed.😊 Enjoy your day.

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Thank you dear friends


Thank you very much dear friends @rutablockchain for the great support you always give me
I wish you all a wonderful Sunday

So nice 👍

Thank you very much dear friend @mysteriousroad you are very kind
have a beautiful day

You also have a wonderful Sunday 😄

Congratulations @jlufer! You received the biggest smile and some love from TravelFeed! Keep up the amazing blog. 😍

Thanks for using TravelFeed!
@for91days (TravelFeed team)

PS: Did you know that we have our own Hive frontend at For your next travel post, log in to TravelFeed with Hive Keychain or Hivesigner and take advantage of our exclusive features for travel bloggers.

Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed for appreciating and supporting my posts, you are really very kind
I wish you all a great day

It's true, we've had a lot of fun during these two weeks of vacation. I love all the photos we've taken on this beautiful trip.

The weather helped us spend beautiful days and we enjoyed every walk.

The only place I personally am on the internet is Hive. I never liked taking pictures of myself or anyone/anything else and now after exploring myself here, I feel that how can I share every beautiful thing I see with my eyes with everyone through Hive. Hive has really filled a big void in my life.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Hive is doing beautiful things for people, and it's been great to be one of them, I'm glad to know that their magic has also impacted you dear friend @untilwelearn

Yes, simple things bring out the fun and profits we get from hive

Happiness lies largely in the simple things in life, dear friend @ sisjane
have a lovely day

It's not about the place, it's about the people who accompany you in those moments.

What a beautiful thought to read and reflect about today. I couldn't agree more. It's the precious moments we share with the people that we love and matters most in our lives that counts.

Stay safe and continue spreading the love and kindness everywhere. 😉

I am so glad to know that you liked my post, dear friend @yzamazing
Thank you very much for your empathy and good wishes
Have a happy start to the week

Qué hermosas esas fotografías con las florecitas amarillas que parecen pollitos. Yo tampoco era de las que se ponían a tomar fotografías, pero ahora también pienso en Hive y en lo que me gustaría compartir y eso me impulsa a hacer algunas imágenes de mi cotidianidad, que en realidad nos permite disfrutar de milagros cada día.
Un gran abrazo y muchos saludos.

las flores que tienen los espinillos son preciosos, da gusto fotografiarlas

Hive esta haciendo grandes cambios en nosotros, vemos las cosas de una manera diferente

Aprecio de todo corazon esta grata visita querida amiga @syllem

Un abrazon enorme para toda la familia

Hello dear friend! It's a great quiet and cozy clean place, it's nice to see it. Good week to you.

Corrientes being a relatively small city, it is easier to keep it clean and tidy, which makes it always look good
Thank you very much dear friend @ratel
Have a happy start to the week

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Thank you very much, dear friends, for the great support you always give me
I wish you all a great day