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RE: Issues, walks, cakes and smiles - could you ask for more from a day?

in Daily Blog24 days ago

That electricity issue is kinda serious and I understand that it can also cause panic. Especially you don't know exactly what's happening while your neighbor has a working electricity. If it's Mom she won't stop until she knows the cause. With that I always check online if there's a power interruption as we have FB page for that. It help us calm down a bit but still annoying especially if we have something important to do and there's no power, sometimes it really happens without even a noticed. But still, a minutes after that sudden power interruption a noticed will popup. And we're like "aghhh, again!" Lol.

Anyways at least everything eas fixed now. And what a beautiful way to end the day, a sweets with great coffee ✨ while having a sweet time with your son.


You are then experienced in checking out if there is an issue :D
Well, I don't have FB (true, I didn't use it for a long time, and once I wanted to log in FB disabled my account and even when I applied to get it back, my petition was denied. 😳 what the heck happened, I don't know, but I don't exist there anymore 😂) but yes, next time we know on what page to check, where they notify about issues and the estimated time it would be fixed. I hope though we will not need it at all 😂

Yeah, I have to, coz Mon won't stop checking everything herself if I don't, lol. But don't you want to create a new one just for that? You can just lock your fb profile if you want it to be a private account. But yeah, it's still better if you don't have to experience it again. Lol. In our case, hahhh, our province is actually now called the brownout capital of the Philippines because of how often the power interruption here. Its a pain in the neck seriously 😆😆.