One of My Funniest Moments

in Daily Blog8 months ago

​One day during the fasting month of the Muslims("Ramadan"), I was awakened to eat the dawn meal. Whilst sleep is still in my eyes, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Could you imagine, sleep made me unable to tell the difference between toothpaste and liquid soap. I took the liquid soap and applied it to my tooth bruh and began to brush my teeth.
Then I felt bitterness in my mouth and I asked myself "why does the toothpaste taste bitter today.". I washed the brush and applied the liquid soap again thinking it to be toothpaste. I still felt the bitterness again.
Whilst still feeling sleepy, I said to myself, "Let me just brush my teeth like that, maybe today the toothpaste decided to taste bitter". After brushing my teeth, I ate my food and went back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, then all I did during the dawn started coming back to me and I was like really??