✦ Today I have taken a break because this weekend will be strong, I have many pending conversations and I want to start Monday with several issues resolved - Collage and Editing done with FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦

🇪🇸 ~ No puedo creer que ya vamos a llegar a mitad de 2024. No he sentido el paso del tiempo, quizá porque desde finales de 2023 no he parado y apenas hace unos días decidí hacer un cambio radical de rutina, porque si, estoy dispuesta a hacer cambios una y otra vez cuantas veces sea necesario hasta que consiga los resultados que quiero.
🇺🇸 ~ I can't believe that we are already halfway through 2024. I have not felt the passage of time, maybe because since the end of 2023 I have not stopped and just a few days ago I decided to make a radical change of routine, because yes, I am willing to make changes again and again as many times as necessary until I get the results I want.

✦ An unexpected project that I really enjoyed this month was to fix the backpacks of a friend's kids ✦

He hecho avances significativos con el tema de aprender a decir "no" y no sentir culpa. Debo recordarme a diario que si constantemente modifico mi agenda cada vez que alguien me preguntar por un favor, siempre voy a estar corriendo para cumplir con las fechas de mis promesas y compromisos, o en su defecto sacrificando horas de descanso para compensarlo.
I have made significant progress with learning to say “no” and not feeling guilty. I have to remind myself daily that if I constantly rearrange my schedule every time someone asks me for a favor, I will always be rushing to meet the dates of my promises and commitments, or otherwise sacrificing hours of rest to make up for it.

✦ The new sewing machine never ceases to amaze me ✦

Todavía se siente incomodo decir que "no", pero he podido conciliarme poco a poco con esa palabra aplicando un simple pero efectivo filtro, me recuerdo a mi misma que hay cosas que no son urgentes y que pueden esperar, que no soy la única opción, y que las personas que me aprecian y valoran no se molestaran conmigo, siendo que un "no" hoy es solo eso, el día de hoy, y que pueden contar conmigo la próxima vez. Claro, en este apartado no me refiero a las emergencias, en cuyo caso volaré.
It still feels uncomfortable to say “no”, but I have been able to reconcile myself little by little with that word by applying a simple but effective filter, I remind myself that there are things that are not urgent and can wait, that I am not the only option, and that the people who appreciate and value me will not be upset with me, being that a “no” today is just that, today, and that they can count on me next time. Of course, in this section I am not referring to emergencies, in which case I will fly.

✦ I kept some pleasant memories from May but I think today I will wipe the phone's memory clean ✦

Hasta ayer no me había dado cuenta de lo mucho que necesitaba dormir, y de lo mucho que necesitaba crear una rutina en torno a ese momento específico del día. La transición entre estar muy activa y alerta y luego estrellarte contra la hora del reloj es dificilísima. El cuerpo no se apaga así como así y en este momento me encuentro escribiendo una lista de compras para motivarme a apagar la computadora y el teléfono más temprano.
Until yesterday I didn't realize how much I needed to sleep, and how much I needed to create a routine around that specific time of day. The transition between being very active and alert and then crashing against the clock is a difficult one. The body doesn't just shut down, and right now I find myself writing a shopping list to motivate myself to turn off the computer and phone earlier.

✦ I was not in a particularly good mood to leave the house that day ✦

Por otro lado he podido reflexionar sobre lo mucho que me gusta mantener mi privacidad. Algunas veces hablo sobre mi familia, mis planes o alguna circunstancia especial, pero siempre tengo esta extraña sensación de que no es lo que debería estar haciendo. Recuerdo cuando mi blog solo contenía tutoriales y procesos, pero ahora también hay algunas fotos familiares (aunque procuro censurar sus caras por motivos de seguridad), algunas selfies también, reseñas de viajes y eventos, y bueno, no es que vaya a volver al 100% a ese estilo "formal" pero me siento feliz de reconocer que para mi, compartir todo lo que hago, a donde voy, donde estuve, y con quien, no es mi estilo.
On the other hand I have been able to reflect on how much I like to keep my privacy. Sometimes I talk about my family, my plans or some special circumstance, but I always have this strange feeling that it's not what I should be doing. I remember when my blog only contained tutorials and processes, but now there are also some family photos (although I try to censor their faces for security reasons), some selfies too, travel and event reviews, and well, it's not that I'm going back 100% to that “formal” style but I'm happy to recognize that for me, sharing everything I do, where I go, where I've been, and with whom, is not my style.

✦ Despite the appearance it was not heavy, the bread was homemade and quite soft. I wasn't very hungry that day, I wanted to go home because I still felt a little unwell ✦

Quiero decir, actualmente las dinamicas en las redes sociales pareciera que te empujaran a publicar todo lo que haces sin importar lo que sea con tal de mantenerte "vigente". Y no, no es lo que quiero para mi. Esta semana por ejemplo he hecho muchas cosas que considero especiales, y precisamente por ser especiales, no quiero permitir que cualquiera tenga acceso a ellas, a ese conocimiento, son cosas destinadas a mi familia y amigos mas cercanos. Y eso esta bien. No quiero ser una persona famosa o de moda, quiero ser una persona que experimenta su presente y sus bendiciones como lo que son, y no como algo que debo digerir y fagocitar en un producto para el disfrute público de cualquiera.
I mean, nowadays social media dynamics seem to push you to post everything you do no matter what in order to stay “current”. And no, that's not what I want for myself. This week for example I have done many things that I consider special, and precisely because they are special, I don't want to allow anyone to have access to them, to that knowledge, they are things intended for my family and closest friends. And that is fine. I don't want to be a famous or fashionable person, I want to be a person who experiences her present and her blessings for what they are, and not as something to be digested and phagocytized into a product for anyone's public enjoyment.

✦ THIS PROJECT THRILLS ME SO MUCH, the print of this fabric is SO COOL ✦

Pero eso no significa que no quiera conectar con otras personas a través de las cosas que amo. O que me volveré un personaje distante. Solo reflexiono que cuando comparta algo, quiero que sea siempre con mucha ilusión y sinceridad, no sintiéndome obligada o permitiendo que me contamine esta idea perjudicial de que "hay que crear contenido rapido de lo que sea".
But that doesn't mean I won't want to connect with other people through the things I love. Or that I will become a distant character. I just reflect that when I share something, I want it to be always with a lot of enthusiasm and sincerity, not feeling obligated or allowing myself to be contaminated by this harmful idea that “you have to create content fast about anything”.

✦ In the middle of next week we will have a new Sailor Moon themed tutorial! ✦

Hablando surtido, esta semana encontré algunos viejos proyectos que quedaron a medio hacer, y adelante la preparación de los materiales protagonistas de mis siguientes tutoriales.
Speaking assorted, this week I found some old projects that were left half done, and ahead the preparation of the materials protagonists of my next tutorials.

✦ It took about 2 hours to unpick everything without tearing the fabric but it was worth it ✦

Estoy especialmente ilusionada con este jean reciclado de un vibrante color fucsia. Todavía no se en qué lo convertiré pero desarme la pieza con toda la calma del mundo para aprovechar cada parte.
I'm especially excited about this recycled jean in a vibrant fuchsia color. I still don't know what I'm going to turn it into, but I'm taking the piece apart with all the calmness in the world to make the most of every part.

✦ Today's afternoon coffee was with half an ojaldre cake and half a rolled pastry with custard. I congratulate myself for eating only half and not the whole thing... but who am I kidding! I shouldn't be breaking my diet in the first place! ✦

Y una ultima cosa, en lo que no he conseguido avances sino retrocesos, ha sido en el consumo del azucar. Desde hace meses me he propuesto disminuir cada vez la cantidad de azucar procesada que consumo, pero enserio amo los postres y cuando me los regalan es muy muy dificil negarme. La mayoría los regalo, especialmente las galletas y bombones que vienen sellados, pero postres como este son una batalla perdida para mi.
And one last thing, in which I have not achieved progress but setbacks, has been in the consume of sugar. For months now I have been trying to reduce the amount of processed sugar I consume, but I really love desserts and when I get them as a gift it is very, very difficult to refuse. I give most of them as gifts, especially the cookies and chocolates that come sealed, but desserts like this are a losing battle for me.

Despido este mes yéndome a dormir temprano con la esperanza de no flaquear en esta nueva rutina, a veces la emoción de los proyectos del día siguiente me pone muy ansiosa, pero me repito mucho que este es el único cuerpo que tendré y que debo cuidarlo si quiero envejecer bien. Los dias de desvelos hasta el amanecer y cenas con Doritos se han acabado 😂 🍟 🙌
I say goodbye to this month by going to bed early hoping not to falter in this new routine, sometimes the excitement of the next day's projects makes me very anxious, but I repeat myself a lot that this is the only body I will ever have and that I must take care of it if I want to age well. The days of sleepless nights until dawn and dinners with Doritos are over 😂 🍟 🙌
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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares