An architectural look at Glorias Patrias, Mérida, Venezuela.

Hello dear friends, lovers of architecture and design. I hope you have a wonderful start of the week and achieve all the goals you set for yourself. Today I invite you to take a look at the architecture of Av. 2, Lora, at the Glorias Patrias sector, near the Viaducto Miranda, in Merida, Venezuela.

In the last few weeks, I have had to run some errands in this sector and this has become a great opportunity to get to know and admire the architecture of the area, which is very varied. One of the buildings that I like the most in the city is located in this area. It is this beautiful office tower, which has conquered me for its elegant and modern design.

Since the construction of this building began, it has caught my attention. I understand that it is still under construction, as it is still closed and has been closed for a long time. This building stands out for its use of materials different from what we usually see in the city and for its geometric shape.

Hola queridos amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño. Espero que tengan un inicio de semana maravilloso y logren todos los objetivos que se propongan. Hoy te invito a darle un vistazo a la arquitectura de la Av. 2, Lora, a la altura del sector Glorias Patrias, a la altura del Viaducto Miranda, en Mérida, Venezuela.

En las últimas semanas, he tenido que realizar algunas diligencias en este sector y esto se ha convertido en una gran oportunidad para conocer y admirar la arquitectura de la zona, la cual es muy variada. Uno de los edificios que más me gusta de la ciudad, se encuentra emplazado en esta zona. Se trata de esta hermosa torre de oficinas, que me ha conquistado por su diseño, elegante y moderno.

Desde que comenzó la construcción de este edificio, ha llamado mi atención. Tengo entendido, que aún se encuentra en construcción, pues aún está cerrado y ha estado así por mucho tiempo. Este edificio destaca por el uso de materiales diferentes a los que solemos ver en la ciudad y por su forma geométrica.

I can not imagine this building in any other color than blue, it blends perfectly with the natural environment that surrounds it. The main facade can be divided into three parts. The most striking with subtle curves, is composed of a huge glass panel, which gives it elegance and sophistication. Next to it, we have a slender rectangle in gray, which creates a very interesting visual contrast, not only for its shape, but also for its color. In between them, we see blue glass windows, I imagine, that in this area is the elevator and these windows, not only offer natural light to the building, but also allows you to enjoy a beautiful view, while you move from one floor to another.

On the side and rear facade, the building's designer continues to use lines and geometry to his advantage, managing to create a harmonious visual effect between the combination of the blue windows and gray wall cladding. Despite being a simple design it looks exuberant. I hope to see this building, with the doors open very soon and find out how is its interior design, I understand that its use is purely business.

No puedo imaginar este edificio de otro color que no sea el azul, compagina perfectamente con el entorno natural que lo rodea. La fachada principal la podemos dividir en tres partes. La más llamativa con sutiles curvas, está compuesta por un enorme panel en vidrio, que le da elegancia y sofisticación. Al lado tenemos, un esbelto rectángulo en color gris, que crea un contraste visual muy interesante, no solo por su forma, sino también por su color. En medio de ellas, vemos ventanales en vidrio azul, imagino, que en esta área se encuentra el ascensor y estos ventanales, no solo ofrecen luz natural al edificio, sino que además, te permite disfrutar de una hermosa vista, mientras te trasladas de un piso a otro.

En la fachada lateral y trasera, el diseñador del edificio, sigue usando las líneas y la geometría a su favor, logrando crear un efecto visual armonioso entre la combinación de los ventanales azul y revestimiento gris de las paredes. A pesar de ser un diseño sencillo se ve exuberante. Espero ver este edificio, con las puertas abiertas muy pronto y descubrir cómo es su diseño interior, tengo entendido que su uso es netamente empresarial.

Behind the beautiful blue building, we find one of the most recognized hotels in Mérida, a three-star hotel called the Caribay Hotel, which is currently closed. This building has a classic and elegant design. Its trapezoidal floor plan gives an interesting visual effect to its façade, which together with its windows, forms a quite harmonious and interesting composition.

Detrás del bello edificio azul, encontramos uno de los Hoteles más reconocidos en Mérida, un Hotel de tres estrellas llamado el Hotel Caribay, el cual se encuentra cerrado en la actualidad. Este edificio tiene un diseño clásico y elegante. Su planta trapezoidal le da un efecto visual interesante a su fachada, que junto a sus ventanas, forma una composición, bastante armónica e interesante.

I remember that its interior is beautiful, and has all the services, besides offering a beautiful view of the city and the imposing mountains of the Andean mountain range, although with the construction of the office tower, this was affected in the back. One of the attractions of the Hotel, was a restaurant inspired by the famous series "Game of Thrones", also closed today, but you can still enjoy part of its design, as this incredible Dragon sculpture that we loved. In addition, the iron railings, have decorations with swords intertwined with each other, very nice.

Recuerdo que su interior, es hermoso, y cuenta con todos los servicios, además de ofrecer una hermosa vista a la ciudad y a las imponentes montañas de la cordillera andina, aunque con la construcción de la torre de oficinas, esto se vio afectado, en su parte posterior. Una de las atracciones del Hotel, era un restaurante inspirado en la famosa serie “Game of Thrones”, también cerrado en la actualidad, pero aún se puede disfrutar de parte de su diseño, como esta increíble escultura de Dragón que nos encantó. Además, las barandas de hierro, tienen decoraciones con espadas entrelazadas entre sí, muy bonitas.

Next to the Hotel, we find a Bar, with a facade covered in brick, which highlights the decorative columns that culminate in a triangular shape, I quite like this building.

Al lado, del Hotel, encontramos un Bar, con una fachada revestida en ladrillo, donde se destaca las columnas decorativas que culminan en forma triangular, este edificio me gusta bastante.

In front we have the Florida residences and what strikes me about this building is that it has an irregular geometric configuration, with staggered overhangs, forming a kind of inverted truncated pyramid. Undoubtedly, when I see this type of building, I can't help but think about how it behaves seismically.

Al frente tenemos las residencias la Florida y lo que me llama la atención de este edificio es que tiene una configuración geométrica irregular, con volados escalonados, que forma una especie de pirámide truncada invertida. Sin duda, al ver este tipo de edificios, no puedo evitar pensar, en cómo se comporta sísmicamente.

A few meters away, begins one of the most important green lungs of the city, composed of different squares, full of green and nature, which are being restored and recovered. In my next post, we will know one of the most important.

A pocos metros, comienza uno de los pulmones verdes más importantes de la ciudad, compuesto de distintas plazas, llenas de verde y naturaleza, que están siendo restauradas y recuperadas. En mi siguiente post, conoceremos una de las más importantes.

I was delighted to share with you this area of the city, a small sample of the type of buildings that can be found in the different streets of Merida.

Me encantó, compartir con ustedes esta zona de la ciudad, una pequeña muestra del tipo de edificios que podemos encontrar en las distintas calles de Mérida.

Until next time, a million blessings to your families.

Hasta la próxima, un millón de bendiciones a sus familias.

Traducción: DeepL.
Edición: Canva(Recursós y Plantillas Gratis)

Translation: DeepL.
Editing: Canva(Free Resources and Templates)

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What architectural beauty is Glorias Patrias, an impressive blue office tower and the rest of the tall buildings in the area.

Yes, that building is beautiful, I hope it will be open very soon. Thank you very much.

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A few years ago I had the opportunity to go to Merida, it is beautiful! they are beautiful buildings, my favorite is the first one with blue glass.
That dragon looks scary!🐉

I liked the dragon quite a bit, too bad I didn't get to see much more of this themed restaurant. I'm glad you like Merida, you are always welcome. Thank you very much.

Hi @doriangel, it's a beautiful and striking building, I love the blue glass, it looks great and contrasts with the landscape.


The blue building is a real eye-catcher. That color is beautiful and its design is very different from what we usually find around here. Thank you very much.

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Happy week, thank you for the mention, the support and the opportunity, Blessings.

Always a tremendous delight to serve you dear @doriangel. Keep up the incredible A+D stories for our enjoyment. More success and blessings! 😀