Royal shelter: a place with elegance [eng/spa]


Would you like to visit an elegant place? Then you will enjoy, as much as I did, Real Shelter restaurant, located on the 20th floor of the Meliá Cohiba Hotel, in the Cuban capital, which had been closed for several years due to the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus, and did not escape all the damage caused by this pandemic, both in terms of the health of thousands of people and on a social scale all over the planet.
Some time ago it began its renovation process, and little by little life has come back to flood this site; and finally, today, September 1st, it begins to provide services again. I always feel very happy when I see so many people building as a team. Yesterday I had the opportunity to tour it, and be part of the final touches that were given for its opening, and as a lover of good design and architecture, I share images of this place.

¿Te gustaría conocer un lugar elegante? Pues entonces vas a disfrutar, tanto como yo lo hice, del restaurante The Level, ubicado en el piso 20 del hotel Meliá Cohiba, en la capital cubana. Este local llevaba ya varios años sin funcionar, pues estuvo cerrado a raíz del inicio del virus Covid 19, y no escapó a todos los daños que dejó está pandemia, tanto a nivel de salud de miles de personas como a escala social en todo el planeta.
Hace algún tiempo comenzó su proceso de remozamiento, y poco a poco ha vuelto la vida a inundar este sitio; y finalmente, hoy 1ro de septiembre, comienza a brindar servicios nuevamente. Siempre siento mucho gusto cuando veo a tantas personas construyendo en equipo. Ayer tuve la oportunidad de recorrerlo, y ser parte de los retoques finales que se le dieron para su apertura, y como amante del buen diseño y la arquitectura, comparto imágenes de este lugar.




The restaurant seats 36 diners. The restaurant's foyer is very welcoming. I like restaurants with this type of space, because it makes the wait more pleasant, and allows the consumer to start enjoying the service long before sitting at the table. I have seen many prosperous gastronomic businesses lose customers who wish to consume their products without prior reservation, because they do not have this space, as it becomes very uncomfortable to wait for their turn.
The foyer has very comfortable sofas, covered with a very refined glossy material. In the center there is a low glass table, where its most distinctive element, in my opinion, are the bases of these, which form the figure of a golden bird. In front of the sofas, there is a large wooden furniture with a TV, to make every moment more enjoyable.

El restaurante tiene capacidad para 36 comensales. El recibidor del restaurante es muy acogedor. Me gustan los locales gastronómicos con este tipo de espacios, pues hace que la espera sea más agradable, y permite al consumidor comenzar a disfrutar del servicio mucho antes de sentarse a la mesa. He visto a muchos negocios gastronómicos prósperos perder clientes que desean consumir sus productos sin previa reserva, por no contar con este espacio, pues se vuelve muy incómodo esperar el turno.
El recibidor tiene sofás muy confortables, revestidos de un material con un brillo muy refinado. En el centro tiene una mesa baja de cristal, donde su elemento más distintivo, desde mi apreciación, son las bases de estas, que forman la figuran de una ave dorada. Frente a los sofás, tienen un amplio mueble de madera con un televisor, para hacer más ameno cada momento.





Most of the tables have a capacity for 4 diners, but these can be adapted depending on the group of clients, and the chairs are made of wood.These have that model that always takes me back to other times, they transmit me the right feeling of antiquity, simplicity and sophistication. As decoration of the tables, there is a small vase in the center of each one of them with red carnations.

La mayoría de las mesas tiene capacidad para 4 comensales, pero estas pueden adecuarse en dependencia del grupo de clientes, y las sillas son de madera. Estas tienen ese modelo que siempre me remite a otros tiempos, me transmiten la sensación justa de antigüedad, sencillez y sofisticación. Como decoración de las mesas, hay un pequeño búcaro en el centro de cada una de ellas con claveles rojos.




In addition to the gourmet service of a la carte food, breakfast is also offered in buffet mode, so it has several hot tables properly located. The bar is simple, but displays a significant variety of drinks.

Además del servicio gourmet de comida a la carta, también se ofrecen desayunos en la modalidad de buffet, por lo que cuenta con varias mesas calientes debidamente ubicadas. El bar es sencillo, pero muestra una variedad de bebidas significativas.



The service support furniture is white, which transfers the impression of hygiene that I always hope to feel in gastronomic establishments. The walls and curtains are also white, just as this is the predominant hue, mixed with black, in the paintings that are hung throughout the restaurant.
When I was in the restaurant during the day, I talked to some of the staff for a while, and they told me that during the night the lighting makes everything look much more beautiful, and the view of Havana at night, which at such a high altitude becomes a spectacle.

El mobiliario de apoyo al servicio es de color blanco, que transfiere la impresión de higiene que siempre espero sentir en los locales gastronómicos. Las paredes y cortinas también son de color blanco, al igual que esta es la tonalidad que predomina, mezclada con el negro, en los cuadros que están colgados a lo largo de todo el restaurante.
Cuando estuve en el local durante el día, conversé con parte del staff por un buen rato, y me comentaron que durante la noche la iluminación lo hace ver todo mucho más bonito, y se le suma la vista que regala La Habana de noche, que a tanta altura se convierte en todo un espectáculo.





Original content by @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Editing: Canvas
Translation: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91

Contenido original por @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Edición: Canvas
Traducción: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91


What an elegant place, you said it yourself. I loved the detail of the plant on the wooden table, heh.
It's a very nice place and I'm glad it's been repaired and will be open to the public again.

It took a long time to refurbish the place, but it has been worth the time and effort. Thank you very much for reading 😊

Beautiful and elegant, its colors generate a lot of serenity.

The restaurant turned out very nice!!! Thanks for reading @doriangel

This post was curated by wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome

It is certainly a very elegant place with a very harmonious design for the welfare of customers. Greetings!

!discovery 35

Thank you very much for your support @wilfredocav, I'm glad you enjoyed the design.

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Thank you @discovery-it

Wow! an elegant and cozy place, I love the decor and the color palette, they create a warm and relaxed atmosphere, the swan sculpture is beautiful.


That kind of cream colors I really like for interior designs, especially if they are elegant places. A hug 🤗

Thank you so mucho @hivecurators!!!

What an elegant and beautiful space inside the Hotel, you can see a lot of refinement and good taste, thank you dear for showing us 👍🏽❤️

Yes my friend, it is a very sober and tasteful design. Thanks for your reading 😊

Places that radiate with class never cease to captivate me @indipnash91. I'm impressed by the way you take notice of the tiny but relevant design details that compose this luxurious space. Excellent discovery! ☺️

Something similar happens to me, I prefer elegance and small details, even if they are a bit far from the most modern trends. In this place, only the choice of colors imprints a lot of sophistication and class. I give it a 10 👌

This elegant space absolutely shines with luxury @indipnash91! Every little detail conforms to the overall purpose of bringing comfortable hospitality with style to guests. Amazing! ☺️

I believe that the design of the restaurant allows the customer not only to enjoy a gastronomic experience, but also to enjoy a very pleasant visual experience. Thank you for your nice comment @archmoments!!!

I was fascinated by your publication!!! It really makes me want to spend a night in that stunning, elegant and beautiful place.

I'm glad you enjoyed the reading and the place. You have very good taste in appreciating spaces with thoughtful design. A hug 🤗